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    Junaid's POV

Mansur had informed me earlier concerning the programme which would be held later in the day and we had planned on attending.

We have been there for almost thirty minutes now and I have been finding it kind of difficult to concentrate and been feeling uncomfortable.
Reason being that the topic of the day was Halal Dating and the lady I have a feeling towards was sitted in the same hall as I.

What if this makes her drift even farer away from me?
She doesn't even know how I feel about her yet.....

"Oh ya Allah, you are the knower and the seer of all, Please help me sort this out. I really do like her but don't plan on going the wrong way by disobeying you Ya Allah."

I want her to be the one for me when I am ready and fit to take responsibilities. I want to go the Halal way (Marriage) with her but we are just both not ready yet. Me to be precised.

I can't tell her how I feel yet because it might serve as a means of distraction for her.  She already looks a Muslimah to me so ya Allah make her a muminna please.

If she really is the best for me, make this have a positive Impact on her and also guide my feelings for her. Keep protecting her for me Ya Allah and guide her aright as she is well known to you and you alone can make her mine. I prayed.

The sermon continued........

Then there's the limitless to online world.
Dating apps and websites that cater to young Muslims looking for meaningful long term relationships are easy to find. Muzmatch, a dating app launched years ago, has 135,000 people signed up. Other apps like salaam swipe, and other matchmaking connects like Halal Matchmaking.etc Report high success rates for young Muslims who previously had a hard time finding a partner.

       These apps allow people to filter their searches based on level of religiosity, the kind of relationship they're looking for and other aspects such as mode of dressing and lifestyle.

"Dating" as it is currently practiced in much of the world does not exist among Muslims. Young Islamic Men and women (or boys and girls) do not enter into one-on-one intimate realationships, spending time alone together and "getting to know one another" in a very deep way as precursor to selecting a marital partner. Rather, in Islamic culture, pre-marital relationships of any kind between members of the opposite sex are forbidden.
He concluded as he lowered the microphone.

A guy walked towards him and retrieved the microphone and started.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu (May the peace, Mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you all)

Wa'alikumu salaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu (And upon you too). We replied.

Takbeer!!! (God is the greatest)

Allahu Akbar!!! (God is the greatest). We all chorused in response.

Takbeer is the Arabic text for Allahu Akbar which both means God is the greatest.

Now, if there is any question you would like to ask regarding all what he has said, you can ask right now as there is no much time left and the programme would be rounding up in minutes. It's 8:40pm already and it is late.
Plus, for most of the ladies who wouldn't be able to voice out due to the opposite gender, you can see the mallam later or due to time factor, his IG or Twitter handle would be given so you can ask him anytime at your convenience.

The microphone was handed back to the prince of dawah as cleared his throat in wait for their questions.

A guy stood up greeted with salaam and introduced himself as he asked;
What if you love someone, and you guys agreed to date but without physical commitments which are against the rules of Islam, The only thing you both endulge in is chatting and you both meet up occasionally but at arm's length. Is it haram or halal??? He full stopped as he took back to him sit.

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