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It has mainly been Aa'yat's POV for a while now, I guess Aa'yat is the lead character for now that is why😪❤️💕💕


Aa'yat's POV

Immediately I got to Habiba's room, I met some sisters gathered outside and mumering words to each other.
Three securities were also inside the room investigating the scene as I ran in.

Where is she??? I queried in tears as I said out.

One of her roommates pointed to her body still lying lifeless on her bed where she slept.

I got to her and shook her aggressively. I wanted her to wake up, I wanted her to come back to life, I wanted all this to just be a dream, I wanted it to be a prank but who was I kidding, it was all real.

Blood stains were all over her mouth as a result of vomiting and she just laid still. She didn't even lift a finger as I stired continuously.

Why??? Why Habiba, you asked me to come back again today, you promised to listen to me today, I was hoping today was going to be the day, the day you finally realize I have always wished you the best, the moment I have been waiting for, for you to finally head to all my words and advises.
I spoke sadly as I cried to her body which couldn't even hear a thing anymore.

I can't believe she is gone. But why? Why suicide? I cried out again as one of the female securities held me still.
I am so sorry, you just have to take it easy okay.

This was the handwritten letter her roommates reported to have found beside her upon seeing her at this state.
She added as she handed over a sheet with words inscribed on it to me.

I collected it in anticipation as I sat somewhere still and began to read;

     Bestie, if you are reading this right now, then that means I went ahead and took my life.
Let me start from the very beginning so you can get it straight. I lost my parents when I was just 6years old, and since then I have been living with my Aunt (my mum's younger sister).
She catered for me all through my primary, Junior and senior secondary levels.
On getting to tertiary, she changed.
She told me she had no more interest in sponsoring my education and I had to find a way myself.
What was I supposed to do, I knew no one.
With numerous pleads and arguments, my family members contributed for my 100 level fees and also gave up on me.
I knew nothing concerning my parents inheritance as they just told me it was all gone, only God knows the truth though.
When 200 level struggle began, I resumed as usual with my hopes on God as I came with nothing but my transport fare and other items I had with me since 100 level.
I queued at the zenith ATM outside the main gate one day when Abdulsamad walked up to me.
He told me he was interested in me and liked my simplicity, he told me he had a lot of money and also pointed at a flashy car he came with saying it was is.
Truthfully, they were all his.
He promised to take care of me and said he meant no harm, and added that he saw a real future for the both of us.
That was the first time someone was being sincere with me so I made my way into the relationship.

Things went perfectly fine for a long time and I thanked God for finally sending me a helper. Someone who was going to take care of me in stead of my parents. My Aunt and other relatives cut off all relationships with me as I decided to further my education on my own. But I didn't care, why because I had Abdulsamad with me.

On a Saturday, towards the end of 200 level second semester, I went over to Abdulsamad's as usual but I encountered something different. I never slept with him all through our dating days and he told me he was cool with it.
That very day, he and 6 of his friends, drugged me and also gang raped me.
Not only did they do that, they also took pictures and videos of the scene and promised to let it out on social media if I decided to lay complaint to anyone.
He also threatened me that if I didn't continue seeing him, and acting like all was okay, he was going to tarnish the little image I was protecting. I had no one to talk to, I had no friends, I was busy struggling between school and financial needs so I had no thought to even look for one.

Ever since that happened, I was never myself again. I started going out and spending more time with them reasons because he always gave me money and always catered to any of my slightest needs. Something even my relatives didn't want to do. He told me he had gotten rid of the videos and all immediately I decided to comply with him, which I found to be so much reliving.

But when I met you, things changed. I felt like for once, I could really talk to someone, for once someone could save me from the pit of distruction I had fallen into. Yesterday when you came and told me all those things concerning repentance, I felt happy and kind of whole again within me.

I didn't act that way, but Allah knows I did. Sadly, I used to be a muslimah before till I went through all those ordeals.

I called Abdulsamad that night and told him I was done, I told him I couldn't do those anymore, I wanted to be free, I wanted to walk through the right path once again. He agreed and said he was okay with it. I thanked him and prayed that he changes for good too before it becomes too late which he answered an Ameen to.

Aa'yat, some minutes later, I went outside to buy dinner at bayscope and saw some faces staring at me in amazement, some were even pointing fingers at me in an act of gossiping. I pretended it was all good and got my stuffs without paying attention to anyone.

Just as I got out of the eatery and was walking through the pedestrian bridge, suddenly Abdulsamad and his friends all came out of no where as they held smirks all over their faces.

Like the little gift I left you?? He laughed out.

What...what gift. I stammered.
Check your social media accounts. He added as they all made fun of me in their own words before finally leaving of course after one of them physically harrassed me.

I dragged my feet in embarrassment as I walked to my room in shock, everyone walking by past me felt like they were all staring at me, felt like they were all pointing fingers towards me.

I got to my room, dropped my things and went to the toilet as I locked myself in and scrolled through all my feeds.
That jerk! He said it was all fine and he was cool with it.

He had posted all the videos and photos and tagged me as the victim, he shamed me on available social media platforms I was on and not only that, but the comment section was a big torture on its own.

Bestie, they were all mocking me, they insulted me and cussed me out. It was Hell!!!
I couldn't take it anymore, but I kept reading through the comments. People sure do know how to jump to conclusions. They aren't to blame though, I blame myself. I hate my life!!

One of his friend even said I went through all those just to get my fees, that I was poor and had no proper up bringing.

I dont know what to do Aa'yat, I have nobody else to turn to, and even if I do, I have been embarrassed and disgraced already.
If you are reading this right now, then that means I have left this horrible world.

One last request, I want to be buried here in Zaria and not in any other place.
Please for Allah's sake, it is my dying wish.

Thank you for all the advises Aa'yat, thank you for always thinking about my well being, and thank you for wanting the best for me.
If there really is reincarnation, then I hope to be born to live my life straight and also for you to be my bestie.


I read all in as I cried uncontrollably.
Innalilahi wahina Ilahi Raji'un 😭

I called Junaid and explained the contents of the letter to him and he in turn went to the MSS officials.
Her body was wrapped, prayed upon by some MSS officials and then taken to be buried.

Truly, Kullun nafsin dhaikathul maut
(Every soul shall taste the agony of death).

Was Habiba's tragedy worth commiting suicide?

Next chapter In Sha Allah would be a brief article on suicide and death😪.

See you till Allah knows when😪❤️💕


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