Chapter 7 - I need a Passport

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Hidden Desires Chapter 7

Two months had passed since I was captured by Zechariah's goons and brought back to the apartment I shared with the other two waitresses from Logan's Diner. My life had gone back to the normal routine that I created here in Los Angeles and I was back to being happy and free. I still routinely googled my name to see if there were any missing articles on me, and as usual there were none. The only difference was that Zechariah's men came through the doors of the Cafe to check up on me every Friday at 3pm like clockwork.

A part of me was hurt that Zechariah did not personally do this, and a part of me knew it was for the best, having a crush on my brother's best friend was just not logical as being involved with him could jeopardize all the hard work Miss plummet (who still hadn't reached out to me) and I put into escaping, and he was clearly out of my league.

As I cleaned the table that Friday afternoon, Sasha Enthusiastically burst into the Cafe beaming with excitement.

"I'm getting married in two weeks!" She screamed.

I and all the waitresses all left what we were doing and ran up to congratulate her.

"It's going to be in Italy, and Mark's parents has promised me that it will be an all expensed paid trip for my bridesmaids and I." She boasted.

"You've always said you would marry rich, I'm so proud of you!" Cassie my other flat mate replied matching the excitement of her closest friend.

"I'm allowed to have four bridesmaids." Sasha declared still in unbelief she had hit the jackpot. Sasha looked around at her fellow workers that surrounded her and declared "Pack your bag ladies we're off to Italy in two weeks!".

A collective group of screams filled the air as all the delighted waitresses celebrated Sasha's success and the free trip to Italy, even some of the regular customers in the Cafe clapped and cheered for Sasha. A few months ago I would have never thought I would get to experience a wedding an event that always seemed to happen at the end of all my romance novels let alone be a bridesmaid. Travelling to Italy meant I would finally put my degree to use, and see all the tourist destinations that I saw and read about in my novels. It also meant that I would be able to fly on an airplane another thing I had never had the freedom to do.

I was in cloud nine thinking of the experiences the trip would bring until Sasha said "I need all your passports to book tickets." I suddenly came crashing back to earth. "Passport?!" I internally asked myself "I don't even know what my social security number is!" I suddenly felt like I had been hit by a truck. Just when things were going great, my stupid past had to ruin it for me.

I was near tears until the time on the round antique looking clock on the cafe wall clocked 3pm. On cue, two of Logan's men walked through the door and sat in one of the booths before waving me over. I sucked my tears back in and quickly attended to them.

"What can I help you with today gentlemen?" I asked with a plastic smile.

"The boss wants to see you redhead." One of the goons replied pointing outside.

I felt my heart beat quicken, "Zechariah had not once come here in the last two months, why now?!" I quizzically asked myself, "Was he finally ready to tell Sean about my whereabouts?" I continued worrying myself.

I took off my apron and released my hair from the messy bun it was in hoping that I would somewhat look acceptable to the man I was crushing on and the man that continuously hunted my dreams with his beautiful eyes, and ran to the kitchen to pick up some treats for him.

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