Chapter 9- Kyle

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"You guys wanna walk around the mall before we head back?" Johnnie asked as we finished our drinks, our thighs still pressed together.

Bryan and I looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure" I said, and stood up.

"Let's go!" Johnnie yelled and jumped on my back. He's so light.

I put my hands under his thighs to hold him up and followed Bryan out the door.

We passed a group of teenage girls who all giggled when they saw Johnnie on my back. I looked at the ground and smiled to myself.

"Absolutely dare they." I stopped.

I looked up. There is an older couple stopped right infront of me, Bryan and Johnnie, staring at Johnnie and I with disgust.

"Excuse me?" Johnnie said.

"You heard me. It's wrong. You'll go to hell for this. You and the other boy. You can't go around showing affection for him in public, you and your boyfriend are disturbing everyone out here." The man said. I stared at him in shock. Johnnie slid off my back and stood beside me.

"Listen, you fucking dick head. There is nothing wrong with us. He's my boyfriend and I will show affection for him whenever the fuck I want" Johnnie grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, squeezing hard. "There is no difference between us and you. We are not harming anyone, and the only person who seems to have a problem with us is you. Now if you get your head out of your ass maybe you'll be able to see that." Johnnie finished, rage radiating off of him. The man stared at him wide eyed, his mouth slightly opened, as if he was offended.

Johnnie pushed past him, dragging me with him.

"Johnnie" I said. He didn't acknowledge me and walked faster.

"Johnnie, slow down." Nothing.

I ran in front of him, grabbing onto his shoulder with my free hand.

"Johnnie, calm down. It's okay." I said, trying to soothe him.

"It's not fucking okay! Nothing's wrong with being gay!" Johnnie fumed, earning stares from the people passing us on the sidewalk.

"Johnnie, I know that. Listen to me." I grabbed the side of his face, forcing him to look at me. "You're right. There's nothing wrong with it all but some people can't accept what's different. After today you'll probably never see that dweeb again anyway, so try to forget about him." I said, chuckling. He gave me a small smile and I removed my hand from his cheek.

"Sorry. You're right. And sorry for calling you my boyfriend. I didn't see the point in explaining that we were just friends.." Johnnie trailed off. I stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Its fine, I don't mind." I said smiling. He smiled back.

"I don't really feel like going to the mall anymore. Can we go back to the hotel and just watch movies or something?" He asked.

"I'm cool with that. Bryan?"

"As long as I get to pick the movie!" We laughed and started walking back in the direction of the hotel.

I realized that Johnnie never let go of my hand, and I'm not sure if I ever wanted him too.

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has read this story so far. I'm so sorry for the long wait, I had such a hard time writing chapter 9. Thankyou so much if you're still reading. I love you <3

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