Chapter Three

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  "Shit, fuck and balls." Althaea cursed as she tried for the thousandth time to get her car to start. Frustrated she pulled out her phone and let out s frustrated squeal when she saw that it was dead. "Sucks to be me." She growled to herself leaning over and grabbing the bottle of wine she just had to purchase before getting out of the car. She wrapped her coat around herself more tightly, she hated being cold, walking home it was she sighed watching her breath escape in a mist from the frozen air.

  Althaea hated walking at night, since the pandemic there had been curfews out in place and currently she was now in breach of the curfew due to her stupid car. It was gone ten, the streets were empty, there was something unsettling her, she wasn't sure what but the lack of people wasn't helping her anxieties. She picked up her pace, if she was luckily the police would find her and take her home  though the way her night was going she doubted it.

  "What's a girl like you doing out past curfew?" Althaea spun on her heel her eyes widening as she was faced with two unusually large men, she took a step backward. "Would you like us to walk you home." One of the men asked though there was something almost evil about his tone.

  "No thank you."  She responded, she wanted to turn and run but she was too afraid to take her eyes of the men.

  "Well that's not very nice." The first man laughed reaching out and grabbing her arm, he moved faster than she could have thought possible and his grip was vice like. He was about 6"2 with a mop of curly red hair with freckles, which would have probably looked sweet on anyone other than him. The second male had blonde hair which he had slicked back, he was taller than the first but slimmer in stature.

  "I said no, so fuck off." She managed to half demand and half squeal which seemed to amuse the men even more as the other grabbed her hair painfully. "I'll scream." She threatened.

  "Who would come? There's a lockdown, you're alone." The second male laughed, as he licked her cheek. 

  "Get off me!" She yelled trying to get out of their grip as they dragged her back into an alley. 

  "I like when they struggle." The red head laughed throwing her into the alley, she kept the bottle of wine from smashing, she needed a weapon and it was the only one she had at the moment. "I hope she screams when I shove my dick down her throat."

  "You do that I'll bite your dick off!" She seethed panic setting in.

  "Feisty! She's gonna be fun brother." The blonde man spoke as the red head started unbuckling his trousers. 

  "I swear if you put your dick in my mouth I will-" Althaea's panicked threat was cut off when the blonde struck her hard across the face before grabbing her jaw and forcing it open. She screamed, well at least tried, as she felt a tear fall down her face.

  "If you suck me well enough perhaps we won't be so rough." The red head said as he pulled out his cock walking toward her. 

  "Let her go." A deep voice commanded, her two assailants faltered in their moves. 

  "Samael, here to piss on our parade?" The red head asked seemingly not bothered that he was talking to this guy with his dick hanging out. Althaea couldn't see the new man who had joined the red head was still in the way. 

  "Damien it's time you return to the underworld." The man named Samael sounded bored as he addressed the red head. "Balthazar let the woman go." The blondes grip on her faltered and she turned her head biting down hard on his hand.

  "Bitch!" The man named Balthazar yelled before swinging to hit her, she closed her eyes but the hit never came. She opened her eyes and found a large man towering over the man named Balthazar. The new guy lifted Balthazar clean off the floor and threw him against Damien both flailing about the floor, the stranger was on them in seconds  grabbing both of them by their necks before leaning toward them, his lips moved but she couldn't hear what he was saying before the two men appeared to stop breathing. 

  Althaea's feet suddenly started to work and she ran like a mad woman out of the alley and onto the street. An arm grabbed her and spun her round, she had to crane her neck to look up at the giant of a man, he had broad shoulders, thick arms, his jaw chiselled, his cheek bones high but it was his eyes that were breath taking. They were violet in colour surrounded by thick black lashes. The hand that held her arm sent tingles through her body, she couldn't stop staring at him, he really was beautiful but there was something dark about him.

  "Mine." The man growled, her heart fluttered from the simple word but whether it was fear or flattery that caused its irregular beat she was unsure. His violet eyes deepened in colour to almost dark purple, tiny gold flecks began to appear.

  "Your eyes are beautiful." She said out loud and clamped her free hand over her mouth. She almost melted when he smiled slightly. "Could you let me go please?" She asked him her voice was a whisper. "Thanks for saving me and all, but it's past curfew so I really should get going." She pulled back slightly and was surprised when he let go of her arm, she instantly felt the loss and was confused by it. 

  "What's your name?" He asked her, his voice was gravelly, sexy and for a moment she felt like swooning.

  "Althaea." She responded unsure why she would answer him so readily.

  "I am Samael." He offered, his eyes returning to their light violet they had been a moment ago.

  "Wait, like the devil?" She cocked her eyebrow at him.

  "Not quite."

  "Well like I said, thank you for being my hero but I don't fancy getting a fine and it's way past curfew so I really need to get going." She shrugged taking a step backward, he titled his head and eyed her, something amusing him as he gave a half smile.

  "Do you not know who I am?" He asked taking a step toward her which she countered with another step back.

  "Samael, saviour and all that, nice to meet you but i'll be going now." She edged further away from him, her fear picking up again.

  "You're a strange human." He chuckled. 

  "Ooookay..." He was officially insane.

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