Chapter Four

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  Samael was smiling as he walked into Lucifer's office. "Considering we have seventeen souls still wandering about the earth realm you look happy?" Lucifer eyed Samael.

  "I found my mate." Samael told his friend taking a seat. 

  "Well where is she?" Lucifer beamed throwing a glance over Samael's shoulder expecting to his mate.

  "She is human and she ran away from me." He laughed.

  "Well I wish you luck." Lucifer smiled. "What about the souls, would you like me to send you help so you can concentrate on your mate?" He offered.

  "No I can pursue both." Samael sat forward on his seat. "The first said something strange." He folded his hands and leant his elbows against his thighs. "He said it would be worth it." 

  "Titas is one of the missing." Lucifer sighed.

  "So they are planning to open the gates?" Samael guessed and wasn't corrected. Titas wanted to control hell and if he couldn't do that in hell then he would try to bring hell to him. "I will find him." 

  "Of that I have no doubt." Lucifer nodded. "Preferably before my brothers are sent to help would be good."

  "Agreed." Samael rose from his seat. 


  Samael knocked at door of his mate, she had been easy to find. Her front door opened and he watched her dark eyes widen, she really was lovely to look at. She was small, around 5"5, she was curvy, she had ample breasts, her hips only flared slightly, she had shapely legs which were currently covered in jeans. Then there was her face, big doe eyes surrounded by long lashes, she had a sharp nose, well define cheek bones and the most perfectly formed lips he had ever seen. Her dark brown hair was held in a pony tail high on her head with random tendrils falling around her small face. 

  "What the fuck?" The words came out rushed as she stared at him.

  "You have a mouth Althaea." He smiled at her and enjoyed the view when she crossed her arms over her chest which caused her breasts to become more prominent.

  "What are you doing here Samael?" She asked through gritted teeth.

  "You should invite me in Thea." He told her.

  "I don't think so." She went to close the door on him but he pushed it open and walked in she went to scream but he placed a hand over her mouth, kicking the door closed and wrapping his other arm around her waist. She felt so good, he had waited so long for his mate and now that she was here he didn't want to be away from her. 

  "I am not going to hurt you but there are somethings you need to understand."  He told her watching her brown eyes turn from shock to anger in a flash. "I am going to let you go so no screaming." He slowly let go of her mouth and she threw herself away from him.

  "I don't know how you found me but you need to leave." She looked even more pissed, he realised his stature wouldn't help the small woman to feel comfortable so he sat down almost sighing at how comfortable the old looking thing was.  "I said leave not make yourself at home." She yelled.

  "I cannot leave, I am your mate." He told her leaning back on the sofa staring up at her. 

  "I'm calling the police." She walked over to her bag that was on the table he was up and wrapping her in his arms before she could reach the bag. "Get the fuck off me!"  

  "Thea stop struggling." He moved them so he could sit back down with Althaea on his lap. He hooked her legs and made sure that she wasn't able to move her arms. "Just stop struggling and breathe." He whispered in her ear feeling her shudder against him but she remained still and took deep breaths. "Do you feel that?" He asked her. "The tingles, can you feel them?" 

  "Yes." She answered sounding unsure of herself. "What is it?" 

 "Our souls." He answered earning a scoff from his little mate. 

  "You're officially mental, let me go." She tried to move but couldn't. 

  "Soul mates exist and you are mine." He whispered his lips nearly touching her ear. "That is why you feel the tingles, why you enjoy the feel of my arms around you and why you are enjoying me being so close to you." She wiggled against his lap, he felt himself growing hard, she stopped her movements when she felt him beneath her. "It works both ways princess, I enjoy it too."

  "You know you sound crazy." She breathed out as he nipped her ear. 

  "Us being mates is the least crazy thing I am going to tell you." He told her kissing her lightly just under her ear, her breath hitched and her hips began to rock against him. Their bond was stronger than he thought it would be with a human.  "You need to stop moving like that princess, the mate bond makes it really hard for me to control the need to make you mine."  She froze, she hadn't realised what she had been doing, he felt her flush before he saw it. 

  "I didn't mean...I....if you could let me go I could concentrate better." She huffed making him laugh but he done as she asked and enjoyed the view of her backside as she stood up. "Thank you." She was pacing back and forth and he bit his lip to stop from laughing at her. "Okay Sammy boy start talking." She finally said.

  "I do not like Sammy." 

  "Fine Sam, talk." She flopped herself down in the arm chair opposite him crossing both her arms and her legs. 

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