< Mr. Hyde

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An art of deception connoisseur,
Blame his mischievous taunting smile,
Can't read what's going on his mind,
Doesn't mind the stares he receives.

Every movement's executed with poise,
Faceless Void, a walking disaster,
Gunshy about getting on his way,
Hyde says, ‘Hide, don't seek for me!’

Intrigued, I didn't oblige his request,
Jeopardized my safety as I reach out,
Kinship is what I ask; I extended my hand,
Later discarded, slapping it out of his way.

Moments of staring, piercing through,
No one wants to submit, glaring harder,
Once in a lifetime, he gave a frown,
Pal nor foe, glad I had his recognition.

Quite impatient, he turned on his back,
Regrets he could be my best friend,
Secret nobody would ever know,
Targets his heart, a bullet fired away.

Ultracrepidarian trick: catching bullets,
Volatile blood flows through his skin,
Wondering how he hides his pain,
Xerothermic personality radiates.

Yielding is obviously not his thing,
Zany projectile hits like bullet train—
crossed my heart— crashed my bones,
LAURENTIUS! Don't let it taint not my soul.

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