Chapter 9

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"The truth is ...Antonia killed him-" Mr.Hector was surprised by what she said."-Antonia killed him because she heard him talking to his eldest son Carlo. He said that he will now have free time for them because Ms. Cleon is already dead. Antonia heard it and she gets mad at what she heard. After she heard it, without in herself she took a knife and killed Mr. Anthony. Mr. Anthony fought but he can't fight her because he has a fever at that time so he can't move well. Until Antonia already kill him and based on your investigation only Mr. Anthony's fingerprint has on the knife, it's because Antonia used gloves."

Mr. Hector didn't speak because it still processing in his mind.

"Do you have questions Mr.?"Ac asked

"H-how did you know this all of this?" Mr. Hector asked while stuttering.

Ac shrugged" Ahm, I have my ways?" Ac said.

Mr. Hector could not believe it because the woman is still not sure even when the woman has explained everything unexpected.

"What happened to Ms. Cleon? and how are you sure that her death is the same as to Cleopatra?" Mr. Hector asked.

Ac wrote 'Ms. Cleon and Cleopatra's Death' on Whiteboard.

"During Ms. Cleon's police investigation, the cause of her death was also SUICIDE because she allows a snake to bite her. They saw her body lying in their backyard a few days after Mr. Anthony's burial. You said you saw a bite of a poisonous snake on her foot. And you saw the snake next to the body is also dead... As I observed on Ms. Cleon's body and the snake in the photo I secretly took at one of the police stations, is suspicious. "Ac said and pasted a photo by Ms. Cleon and the picture of the snake on the whiteboard.

"What is the connection between Ms. Cleon and Cleopatra?" Mr. Hector asked.

Ac laughed a little. "Obviously you know nothing about Cleopatra huh," Ac said with a smirk.

Mr. Hector shrugged. "It's really fake," Ac said.

"How can you tell?" Mr. Hector asked.

"Well, Who is the mad man who allows a snake to bite them ??" Ac said as she raised her right eyebrow.

"Well, even I, I will not allow a snake to bite me." Mr. Hector said.

"In my investigation, I noticed the day of Ms. Cleon's death. It was on August 10 at exactly 12 am. It was similar to the day on which Cleopatra died but on Cleopatra's death, the day when she died is uncertain maybe 10 or 12. Well, no one really knows the truth- "Ac shrug.

" -On the other hand, the pathologist said that the result of the autopsy they found a Toxic ointment on Ms. Cleon's body which also led to her death along with venom of the deadly snake which is the Inland Taipan. On Cleopatra, the snake who bites her is an asp or Egyptian cobra. Do you have any questions? "Ac stopped and asked Mr. Hector first.

"Ah, no, just keep going." Mr. Hector said.

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