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Alastor was walking around hells streets , he was really boored and needed entertaiment . Watching All the people getting drink then fight ?
It become like a rutine and booring ..
Watching a mafia war ?
Again , they always have a reason to have a war , boooooooring .
Torture a sinner untill it begs for him to kill him ?
Done it hundred of times , it was becoming booring too . Nothing exciting was ever happening , and he thought hell would be fun but no . Even with no rules unlike on earth he still didn't quiet find fun he was looking for , but What was he looking for ? He wasn't sure himself ..

As he walked and think about it , he found this shop . Weird it was never here before right ? So why was it here now and who opened this shop ?
The sign said voodoo shop , he already learned everything about voodoo he needed to know but something was calling him to look in the shop . Why and What ? He wasn't sure but something told him he might find something , plus he had nothing to do anyway ..

He opened the door from the shop and stepped in , he right away noticed the whole inside was decorated in purple , red and blue . How interesting , plus the writting was vibrant green . Honestly as he looked around at All the items and secreficial artefacts .. he could name them one by one . There where books there that looked so old they could be older then Lucifer which isn't possiable but it doesn't hurt to think about it .

He looked at the counter , no one was there .
Who would leave a store unguarded ?

He looked around more having both hands behind his back while holding his cane . He was looking at the voodoo dolls on the shelfs, they looked really good and where Made of good material . Who ever Made them was a profecional , how exciting . He was glad he wasn't alone to be smilled in such Dark magic as Voodoo but who was person who was interested in Dark arts as he was ?

He wasn't sure , he continued looked around before he was tempted to touch one of the voodoo dolls . He looked around before light taking one , he was almoust gonna steal it untill putting it Down on the counter .

Thats when a demon upeared on the place , it was a deer demon perhabs ? Just like him , he was All purple even his cloats only his eyes where blood red .

He looked at the taller demon , he was one head taller . Alastor met a lot of demons taller then him but none of them had the said to you more "i respect you , you respect me" more then this guys look , posture and the emocionless face .

It was weird feeling finding this demon somewhat interesting right away, was he owner of the shop ? He might know later ..

,, How Can i help you sir ?" Said the deep smooth voice , it fit his looks more . He didn't noticed he was staring at this point , not sure What was comming over him but he wasn't looking away . He couldn't , it was hard to do so .

,,If you not gonna buy that then put it back to the rest " said the demon , he was staring at him again .

To be continued ...

Alastor x Male!Reader Where stories live. Discover now