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He was still looking at me like i told him the biggest mystery of the world and now he tried to process that .

,, i had my reasons " he simply said , i am pretty sure he doesn't knows himself .

,,If you say so " i said back which seemed to make him a bit angry but the grin stayed .

,, Now , What you think you could use in this shop ?" He asked walking to the counter with a smirk .

,,-1 deal demon thank you" i said and was cleaning the counter now , his eye twiched .

,, Well , how about a deal . I will leave and never come back ~" he put his hand out Ant was about to glow Green when i pushed his hand away .
,, Your a costumer , i have no reason to make a deal with you or cast you out of the shop either " i said , he looked at me .
,,Buy What you need and if you want to talk i can but if your only here to make deals the door is there " i said pointing at the door , his ear twiched looking at the door then at me . His small smile turned to a grin .

,,Oh ?" He asked , my God i am so happy i am patient enough to not punch him .
,,Does my presence and deal making go under your skin ~?" He smirked

I roled my eyes and went to packing some stuff to a person who ordered stuff from online shop ..

The Radio Demon chuckled and put his hand out .
,, Alastor , good fellow.  Whats your name ?" He smirked

,,Just call me Y/n " i said and continued packing , while walking Around the store to get everything the person ordered the demon of radios followed me around .

,,How long have you Been in hell ?" He asked
,,Long enough"
,,How old are you ?"
,,Older then you "
,,Do you enjoy your Job ?"
,,Why wouldn't i ?"
,,Do you like jazz?"
,,Its not a Bad music "
,,Do you have any family here ?"
,,No "
,,Do you have friends?"
,, Don't need them"
,,Why ?"
,,They only betray you "
,,Fair enough "
,,Are you done yet ? I am kind of bussy "
,,What ?" He asked
,,I need to pick these stuff Up , Can you wait atleast a little while ?" I asked
,,Sure !"
,,Thank you " i said and began taking the stuff , he seemed to perk Up after i said "thank you" he he never heared that before ?

After i was done and packed it Up and wrote Down the adress on it and put it away , i looked at him . He was again looking at the voodoo dolls ..

,, How was the voodoo doll btw ?" I asked , he never said if it was good or anything ..

He looked at me ,,Its great actually , it is clear your a profesional" he grinned

I nodded ,,Glad you like it " i said and he looked happy Well let's be honest he is always smilling so it was hard to tell .

To be continued ...

Alastor x Male!Reader Where stories live. Discover now