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Month Has passed and the Radio Demon was a everyday visitor now , always find a time to come . He didn't knew why but he just came there , at first he was buying stuff but later he stopped buying since he felt like he only came to talk . And Thats how the demon of the shop and the Radio Demon become friends .

By now the radio demon Saw this as a oportunity to make the forever stone faced demon he Saw everyday to smile atleast Once . He Saw him smirk but only when he was teasing which brought him some pleasure which he knew it did ..
He just wanned to see you smile Once , could it be that the man he was Sadistic like he himself is ?

Maybe he Can take him out on a killing spree with him ? That would surely make him smile ,first how ever maybe he should ask first .. don't want to freak him out . Now that he think about , was anything able to faze the demon ? Most likely not , he was always so calm .

Maybe he Can try scaring him ? Would that be a good idea ? He didn't wanned to risk their friendship , they know each other for only a short time .

He went in the shop Once again , finding the male that Made him so interested in this place .
,,Good evening my dear friend , how is the shop comming along ?" He asked as he stood next to the much taller male , he met and fought way taller people so his hight wasn't that scary if anything he fanced that . He thought that if he tried he could have any girl he would like , Made him think if he already didn't had a pretty gal .

,, Welcome back Alastor , and the shop ? Its doing good i Guess." He said as he was on his phone not really paying attancion to the demon infront of him .

The Radio Demon looked at this as he used his staff to force the phone down and then use it to make the demon to look at him.
He normally ignored people who ignored him , but not getting attancion from this demon ? Kind of Made him angry ..

He smiled at the demon with a chearfull smile .

,,Hm ?" He looked at him confuised the other demon .
,,I am here " he said
,,I know , i already said hello . I know how to do more then one stuff you know . i was answering my costumers so i am doing my Job so Can you let me do it ?" he said , that made Al feel Bad ? He never felt like so in a good time , last time it was .. nevermind . Maybe he had a strong enough friendship with him ? Perhabs not.

He looked at the demon that was back at his phone ..

To be continued ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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