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,, Good evening , i come to buy this voodoo doll . May i ask how much does this cost ?" He asked with a grin , Alastor was looking at the demon infront of him . The demon was calm and confident for sure but also he had this air of phlegmatism about  himself , did the demon knew who he was ? Most likely not .

,, It will be 5,30$ " he said to Alastor easily as he pointed at the shelfs where was a sign that littlerly said How much the dolls cost , how did Alastor didn't notice it ?

,, Ah , yes . Here " he give him 5,40$ ,, Keep the change , i like the shop say how long have this shop been here ?"

,, Since 1810 " he said
,, Really ? Then you must of heared of me " he grinned sadistickly
,, In a way " the man said shruging and looked to at him kind of uninterested and waiting when will this demon leave .

,, Well , What have you heared ?" He asked as he put away the doll .
,, Your the Radio Demon that almoust took over hell if you where not knocked out by the king of hell " he said , that almoust Made him choak . They always talked about him in such horror but this demon instead trow his biggest defeat into his face . Sure he was respected by Lucifer for trying but it was still a emebesing moment in his life .

,, It was pleasure talking with you , now if you excuse me " he said and he left the shop Once he was out his smile almoust droped from anger . What demon , he should set this place in flames to teach him a lesson to not make fun of The Radio Demon .
So he went to the side of the building and was thinking how to set it in flames or atleast burn the place Down a little .

He looked at his staff then at the doll he just brought .

Maybe he could spare this demon this time , but it was the last time he will make fun of him like that . Plus the doll was quiet the quality ..

He continued walking as he run in to his good friend Mimzy , poor girl always interested in him and his biggest fan but let's be honest he Saw her nothing more then a friend .

,,How are you darling ?"he asked , She smilled happilly .
,,Hello Alastor dear !" She said as they both walked in to her bar where they spend most of the day talking . It was atleast some amusement for him ..

Later when he got home he went to add the voodoo doll he just brought to the other dolls . First how ever he Neded to know how strong was this doll it was like doll ranks and this one was Made by someone else and who knows What was put in this doll and how strong it is .

He put it on the table as he looked at the doll , before using his Power to contect the two of them ..

Thats when he felt the Power this doll had , so strong .. how many people where killed to make this one doll ?

To be continued ...

Alastor x Male!Reader Where stories live. Discover now