🍀Chapter 13🍀

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Two weeks later.
"Reena, are you sure you want to do this",I asked and Christian was behind me on the with his arm on my waist.
I want her to be sure if she wants the surgery.
"Yes ...",she breathe.
I have operated on a lot of people but for the first time in my life, I'm so nervous and I don't know why.
I'm a bit scared that what if she dies..
Oh my God, then i would never forgive myself.
I called the ambulance to pick me up as Chris followed.
I look out the window, i don't want him to see me nervous.
To my surprised, he squeezed my hands.
"She is going to be fine, Diamond",he gave a faint smile.
"I know"
We reached the hospital and i moved to the dressing room wearing the surgery attire
I walked on the corridor meeting Christian.
I hugged him tight and kissed him deeply.
"This kiss is for the past six hours, i will spend there",i said and he smiled and kissed me again.
I kissed his cheeks and went into the surgery room.
God help me,I prayed a silent prayer.

I moved around the hospital. I trust my wife.
I knew she could save my sister.
For past two weeks, Diamond has really showed me the other side of her which made me love her more.
And all i could do was give her my love.
She is so beautiful and innocent when its comes to sex but i still love her.
She has made me whole and to be honest with you, I'm the happiest man in the world.
"Excuse me, sir",a woman said softly and i turned giving the best smile.
"Can i have your autograph",she smiled back and i took the marker and she revealed her backside for me to sign.
It reminds me of Diamond and the young lady who fought in a couple of weeks ago, just because of the autograph on her breast.
I smiled and quickly signed.
"Thank you so much",she said excitedly and ran out of my sight. I still moved around till it was six hours.
But i don't know why Diamond is out yet.
Now I'm becoming nervous.
I walked to the cafeteria, getting some soft drink.
On my way back, i saw Diamond removing her gloves and she gave it to one of her nurses.
The smile on her face tells me everything.
The moment her eyes hit me, she ran closed to me.
None of us talked. She hugged me tight, "I did it. She is okay now"
"Thank you so much, love",i whispered.
"She is asleep and i don't think she will wake up now so i suggest you go home and bath. I have some slight things to do and I will watch over her",she said and I nod.
I smiled as i drove. Just thirty minutes and I'm home but its weird.
A black car has been following me for the past two minutes.
I decided to speed up but realised he speed up too.
Suddenly the speed more, and crossed in front of me.
Two men got out of the car. They had tattoo all over plus they pierced so many metals on them.
They were very strong muscled.
How i wish my body guards were here.
One of them opened my car door and pulled me out of the car.
i rolled on the floor. They both walked closed and picked me up as they took me inside the woods.
My hands was tied. I struggled with all my strength but nothing comes out of it.
They tied me on a tree and beat me mercilessly after that they realised me and walked away.
I don't know who sent them to do this but i will find out when i get well.
I slowly got up, walked in the woods til i reached the roadside.
I saw my car and entered and drove off to my home.
The guards helped me inside while the maids cleaned my wound and applied cream on my skin.
I tried to call Diamond but its not going through.
Maybe she is busy.
I texted her and decided to rest.
About an hour or two i woke up and saw a text message.
It was Diamond and I smiled but to my surprise,what i was expecting to see wasn't what i saw.
It was pictures of Diamond and William on the same bed, naked and they were cuddling touching.
The last message i got was, "I love him and not you. Its all a game for you to fall in my trap"
I moved around the room as tears filled my eyes.
I don't know why my heart is burning so much and I can't breathe.
I threw my phone on my bed and cried silently.
Diamond has really hurt me.
She has broken my heart. So the I love you's and kisses was all a game.
I cried more.
I sat in my office writing a report on Diamond suddenly the door opened.
"Williams, what are you doing here?",i snapped.
"I came to see you",he said.
"I'm not ready to see you get out!"
He quickly knelt down, "I'm sorry Diamond. I'm so sorry. I can't leave without you. Please be my friend again. I'm so lonely"
Wait a minute, Is he crying.
I guess he is.
"Okay fine, get up",i said and he did.
i looked at him for a while, "Before i take you back,you have to promise me that you won't get a scene or tell me you love me when Christian is around"
He sighed, "I promise. I just need my best friend back"
"I have to send this report"
"I will follow you",he said and I smiled.
"Thank you"
On our way, i started coughing and he kindly gave me some water as i drank.
"Thank you",I said.
I moved to the receptionist and had over my report.
But then something strange was happening to me.
I felt dizzy and so tired at the same time.
I just don't know where to touch.
Everything was blur in my eyes.
"Dia are you alright?",he said touching.
"No, I want to go home. I don't feel good"
"Okay. I will take you home"
He helped me into the car and he started the engine.
i didn't realised when i slept.
I felt my eyes heavy and i slowly opened them looking around. This isn't Christian's home.
Where am i?
I checked my watch. It almost evening.
"Dia are you okay?",He asked standing close to the bed.
"Why didn't you take me home",he said.
"Because I thought you will be more comfortable here"
"Do you want to take advantage of me"
"For heaven sake, why will you think like that?"
I rolled my eyes ignoring his question.
"If i found out you did something horrible to me then i swear, you are dead".
"Don't you dare mention my name"
"I didn't do anything"
"I don't care",I moved past him and took a taxi home.
Finally I'm home, I went into the bedroom and saw Christian on the bed.
He had bruises on his face.
"Oh my God, who did this to you", i moved close touching his face but he pulled away. His were bloodshot which scared me.
"Don't touch me",he snap.
"Why?", I blurt out.
"How is your lover, oh I mean your man?"
"What are you talking about?",I asked feeling confused.
"Don't you dare lie to me Diamond!",he said angrily.
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"Oh really so you telling me you don't know about your sweet moment with William"
"What moment? We only talked"
"Oh I see ";he bought out his phone and showed me the pictures. My eyes widened.
"So how do you explain this or do you still want to deny it"
"No! ", I shouted, "I could never do that. It's a set up"
"Just shut up, shut it up !And what about the text you sent to me?"
"I didn't do it"
He showed me the text, "So everything I shared with you was a game right"
"No, no ... I didn't do it",I didn't realise when l started crying.
"Please believe me, Christian"
"I can't believe I gave my heart to you. I trusted you Diamond"
"I will never betray you"
"Why Diamond? Why did you hurt my feelings? I have never broken or hurt anyone's feeling before, how could you do this to me?"
"How could this happen to me.I'm such a fool",I said remembering i slept in his room earlier.
"Did you enjoy it? "he asked and my heart boils.
I have had enough.
"Don't you dare ask me stupid questions",I said angrily.
"Will you stop it!! That's enough"
"Because it's the truth.I never mean anything to you.I can't believe I loved you"
"How could you say that to me"
"You know what , i don't want to talk to you ",he left the room, slamming the door.
I cried more.
Williams is going to pay for this. I won't forgive him.

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