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The vibrating of my phone in the middle of my class is starting to distract me more than I want it to. I know exactly who it is and I want her to stop right now. Tara is my best friend who doesn't take school as seriously as I do, so she blows me up during class. Well sorry bitch this math class ain't easy plus it's  before thanksgiving break, which means these teachers are going to overload us on work. So much for a vacation.

The guy next to me smirks as I roll my eyes at the sound of my phone. "Boyfriend blowing you up?"

"No," I simply said. "Mind your business,"

"Damn bitch, didn't have to be so rude," He scoffed. Bitch? Oh I got your bitch right here in my hand.

"Brevis balbutiendo," I softly said under my breath and blew in his direction.

"N-n-no wonder y-you d-d-don't have a m-m-man," He stuttered and then slapped his hand over his mouth. I didn't even look in his direction and I tried my hardest to keep a smile from sneaking on to my face.

The class went on for another thirty minutes and I haven't heard anything from Peter Piper. Our teacher soon dismissed us with an assignment due by the time our thanksgiving break is over and we return to classes, with the assignment being a five page packet of math problems. Puta madre.

While grabbing my bag and books I overheard Peter Piper talking about a weird feeling coming over him and then he couldn't stop stuttering. I finally let the smirk appear on my face as I walked out of the classroom. Getting my phone out of my pocket I look over Tara's texts.

Tara 🇯🇵 🗡: bitchhhhhhh

Tara 🇯🇵🗡: girl fuck that class and answer me!!

Tara🇯🇵🗡: fine. 🙄🙄 just call me when you get out

Tara 🇯🇵🗡: Damn your teacher is still talking ???

This crazy ass girl. I called her and she didn't even let the phone ring for a second. "Damn girl" I laughed.

"So Isabel did you think about it?" She loudly asked through the phone. I sighed. Of course I've thought about spending thanksgiving with her and her family. We've been friends since freshman year of college when we got stuck in the same dorm and four years later, here we are. Best of friends.

It's just that I'm used to going home to my parents for holidays so this will be a first. "Yes I thought about it and I'm still not sure,"

"Come! Please I'm tired of being the only normal one," She whined over the phone which made me laugh.

"Fine! I'll go," I exclaimed. She screamed which made me back my phone away from my ear. "I have to get back to the dorm to pack though and you know that takes me time, so I'll just meet you there,"

"Uh no way! Because you're gonna back out. We're taking one car to prevent that," Tara said. See? She's my best friend for a reason because chances are, I would've called my parents and they would've mija guilt tripped me into going home like they did last year.

"Okay well let me call them. They were kind of expecting me, and don't start Tara I told them," I rolled my eyes, I can hear her mutter under her breath.

"Okay well I want to leave early tomorrow morning. I love driving when the road is empty," She's more of a street racing, fast car kind of girl. It doesn't help that her overly wealthy family bought her a sports Mercedes Benz.

Tara and I are complete opposites. I'm an only child, an adopted one at that and my family does well for themselves. Not enough to buy foreign cars but we own the house we live in and they could afford to get me a Nissan Altima my senior year of high school.
Now Tara, comes from a very wealthy Asian family. Her mother is a lawyer while her family is a neurosurgeon, and unlike me she has an older brother. I've never met her family in the four years that we've known each other. I've come back to the dorm and heard her talking to them via FaceTime but I'd be too tired to interact.

Like I said, we're opposites. Tara gets money wired into her bank account while doing community hours to prove to her parents she's not a brat. Which she isn't, she's the most down to earth rich girl I've ever met. She's taken homeless people to dinner and gotten them hotels before. Her hearts big but so is her families money, that helps her spending addiction. I, on the other hand, have two jobs while maintaining a 4.0 GPA just so I can be comfortable away from home. My parents wanted me to go to a community college, instead of coming the Boulder but who wouldn't want to come to the University of Colorado.

"Alright, I'm on my way," I sighed then hung up. Now time to call my parents.

I waited until I got into my car to give them a call. My mother can be a bit dramatic. "Hola mamí," I said in the car speaker.

"No mi digas que no vas a volver a casa para descansar," She immediately said.

"No mom I'm not coming home for thanksgiving this year. I'm going to Tara's this year mom," I rolled my eyes. I stopped at a traffic light and she started calling my dad over complaint that I'm not coming home. It didn't take me long to get back to our apartment but I decided to stay in my car to finish the call.

"It's okay, she's not 17 anymore," My dad said and I can just see him shrugging. "She's 23, love," They began talking in Spanish until my mom groaned.

"I love you mija, stay safe and stay away from wolves," She said before hanging up. She's having an attitude but what else is new with my mom.

I was adopted by a very Cuban family and they've raised me like I was there's, without and second thought. They just happened to be witches. I speak four languages; English, Spanish, Latin  and now French. I've been taking French for the past 8 years and I'd say I'm fluent.

I got out of my car and heading to our apartment. Tara didn't even wait for me to get to the door before she opened it. "I heard you," she shrugged. My parents don't know that Tara is a werewolf. It's absolutely forbidden for us to be friends. Ever since we helped the vampires in a war against the wolves, we have never gotten along. My family doesn't agree with their being a hierarchy within our world and that's why the war happened twenty years ago, a war that killed my mother. I never had a father around but my mother was a witch from what I remember. It's only a matter of time until there's another war.

Hey y'all! This is my new story! I wanted to try something new and I loveeeeeee a good mythical/immortal book so I decided to give it a try.

This is chapter one, let me know how you like it and I'll continue to post ❤️

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