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We met her family in the kitchen as the sound of dress shoes clacked against the marble floors in the opposite direction. Her father side eyed me the entire time I walked next to Tara. His eyes didn't leave mine and I can't take this stare contest anymore, I broke eye contact and settled on her mother. She glanced at me once but didn't look back over again. I dropped my head, the anxiety of them staring at me while I know what I know, alone is going to kill me.

The sounds of shoes against marble grew closer and eventually stopped.  I looked up to be greeted with a tall Asian woman in black jeans, green velvet turtle neck, and knee high boots standing next to an even taller Asian male with the cutest baby face I've ever seen. His eyes were glued to his cellphone and didn't even acknowledge anyone's presence, the woman smiled and said hello to everyone with a hug but me. What did I do to her?

I didn't say anything either. Tara cleared her throat, "Ming this is Isabel, Isabel this is Ming. My brother Kun's girlfriend," Ming just looked at me and smiled. A store bought smile but whatever, I'll take it. Tara's brother, Kun finally looked up after the introduction was made and our eyes connected.

It felt as if the wind hand been knocked out of me and a sense of security immediately wrapped around me. The phone that he babysat in his hand, met the floor as his eyes trained on me. My ears felt like they needed to be popped because I suddenly couldn't hear anything except a heartbeat. Was that mine?

"Kun, are you okay?" Their mother asked him but he didn't answer. We stared at each other and I knew I would lose this game but I couldn't pull my eyes away this time. I felt heat rising up my body and I couldn't help the light that came out of my palm. My eyes couldn't break away from his as my magic grew stronger. What is going on? Why can't I control it?

"What're you doing to him?" Ming asked me, in a muffle and when I didn't answer I felt my body jerk which caused me to lose balance and fall to the floor. Everything felt like it snapped. My magic now gone, my hearing returned and I have full control over my body.

Almost immediately, Kun grabbed Ming by her coat and slammed her against the fridge. He growled and his eyes were dark. He kept rolling his arms back to try to release the tension that built up in him. How could I even possible know that? Rage flowed through him and the only thing I wanted to do was ease him. To comfort him, so that he isn't angry. To be his peace.

"Stop," I barely whispered and his body went stiff. He growled and turned to me then looked at his family. He let his girlfriend go and left the room. What the fuck just happened?!

"You're a witch!" Ming gasped. Her eyes suddenly turned a bright green and she let out a low growl

"Isabel, follow me," Mr. Ito sternly said and quickly helped me off the floor. I followed him through the mansion they like to nickname "house" until we came to an office that is probably the size of our apartment, right off campus.

Werewolves and witches don't get along. It's been that way for a little over two decades. When female witches are seen around male wolves they are immediately burned at the stake by the wolf council. So either gender usually just avoid each other over now bad blood. It's evil, I know but the council thinks of it as a precautionary measure so that they can ensure that a possible hybrid isn't born. Before the war, wolves and witches have mates and created families. Either the child would be a witch, or a wolf; one or the other. Until, a hybrid was born. The child possessed the traits and was essentially the strongest supernatural being. The ability for your wolf to do magic and probably more but no one will ever know. That child was slaughtered on its 10th birthday.

"When you got here I couldn't pickup a scent on you," He started off playing with something on his desk. "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about,"
He looked at me. "How did you cover up your identity, witch,"

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