Chapter 2: Crazy mom!

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I knocked on Claire's door and her mom answered "hi how m-" she stopped talking when she saw Claire "My baby girl" she rushed to Claire's side and we helped her to her room.

"Thank you for helping my daughter" Claire's mom thanked me "no problem miss" I replied "please call me Janet"

After a hour of talking I walked home which wasn't that far away. But when I opened the door I heard screens from Emily's room I ran to see what was going on.

I opened the door to Emily's room and saw my mom with a whip in her hand and Emily crying with marks up and down her pail skin. My mom whipped Emily and I ran to Emily side I grabbed her off her bed and my mom looked up and saw me I ran out of Emily's room and went into mine with Emily crying her eyes out. I locked the door and placed Emily on my bed.

"B-B-Bella" Emily cried "I'm so so so sorry Emily" I said hugging her gently "ow" Emily cried.

I went into my bathroom and grabbed a towel and wet it and poured some medicine on it.

I rushed back out to Emily and started gently rubbing the towel on her scars. "What happened Emily, why where you home early?" I asked trying not to cry.

"The teacher said I wasn't allowed to go to school" Emily answered. "Why did they say that?" I was confused Emily never gets in fights and has perfect grades. "They said I was something called dyslexic?" She answered.


When your dyslexic it means you have a learning disability so you get stuff like B and D mixed up or M and N. To figure out that my little sister has dyslexia and got whipped by are mom because of it broke my heart.

"I'm so sorry Emily" I apologized "it's not your fault, it's mom's fault that she's crazy" Emily said. Emily had a good point mom is crazy.

"I meet a friend and she very nice, maybe we can go over to her house and sleepover?" I asked Emily. Emily nodded. "Okay, go through your little passage hole and grab your stuff for the sleepover but, be quiet" I said. Emily nodded again and went through the passage way. The passage way was and tunnel in the back of the closet that connected Emily's room to my room.

I grabbed my backpack and stuffed with clothes, my blade, ipod, head phones and some money. Emily came back from her room with her backpack on.

"Ready?" She asked "yep, stay close to me, ok" I answered. Emily nodded. We walked out of my room then, quickly and quietly rushed out the door.

~~little time warp~~

I knocked on Claire's door and was once again greeted by Janet "hi Bella" Janet greeted "hi Janet" "Who's the little cutie?" Janet asked "This is my little sister Emily" I replied. Emily waved hi.

"What brings you two here?" Janet asked. Before I could talk Emily blurted out "We had to get away from are crazy mom"

Really?!?! I was just going to say that Claire invited us.

Janet's face went from happy to worried in the matter of 2 seconds.

"Please come inside" Janet insisted I thanked Janet and went up to Claire's room with Emily following me. I entered Claire's room.

"Hey Claire" I said "Hey Bella uhh not to be rude but why are you here?" Claire asked politely. And once again Emily blurts out "We had to get away from are crazy mom"

I explained everything to Claire.

"I'm so sorry for you guys, you can stay as long as you want" Claire offered. "Thanks we're just going to stay the night then we'll be out of your hair" I explained.

"I personally don't mind you guys staying plus this way Tiffany can have someone to play with" Claire explained.

"Who's Tiffany?" Emily asked Claire. "My little sister" Claire answered.

Emily's face Iight up like a Christmas tree. "You wan't to meet her?" Claire asked politely. "Yes!" Emily practically yelled with a big smile.

"Tiffany!" Claire called. Tiffany came in, Emily and Tiffany went to Tiffany's room to play while me and Claire sat down on her bed and chat.

"So your mom is abusive? What about your dad?" Claire asked. "My mom and dad are divorced and I never really see him any more" I answered with a straight face.

"Omg, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ask" Claire quickly apologized. "No, don't be sorry, it's fine, I'm used to her" I corrected.

"If you don't mind me asking, what about Emily?" Claire asked politely. "This was the first time that my mom ever pulled the whip on Emily" I answered. Memories flashed, me walking in Emily's room see her covered in scars.

"I'm so sorry for you guys" Claire said. "Just earlier you we're saying that I say sorry alot" I giggled and smiled at the memory.

Wow, I just smiled and giggled that is something I haven't done in forever.

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