3>>>Mother Dearest

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Mére Plus Cher english translation. Going from english to french and french to english is a rocky road. Excuse the terrible grammar that comes in this chapter. It was originally written in French by me, so thats why is sounds so strange.

dearest mother

When I was born, and came from your body, I never thought I could love someone as much as you. No matter how bad of a mood mood, or dramatic, you can be, it will never change the fact that I love everything about your damn personality. But the thing about my personality is that I inherited from you. Everything from the way I think about how I feel, how I act. Im about as screwed up as they come. But I will always think like you. I always look in the bottom of things, or I'll always have something to say about how a person treats someone else. I will always have an opinion on what I think is right or wrong, and I will always try to correct if I can. I will always defend for someone I see discrimination for race or gender. I will always notice how people treat women differently because men are known as the dominant sex. I always classify myself as strong feminist will you taught me to be. And you will always find me sitting around with his nose in a book that drinking delicious French Vanilla Cappuccino. But no matter what I'll always do, or how you will always find me, you'll always know that nothing can separate us. "They laugh at us because we are different, but we laugh at them because they are all the same."

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