Chapter 5: Back from the Dead

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After Deans death and me running away i decided to hunt on my own everynow and then I would text my uncle a coordinate so he knew I was ok. For six months i lived on my own i had a few one nights stands but shortly after would leave the town and never looking back. I was currently in Lawrence, Kansas well really just arrived i made it to the closest motel and checked in texting Bobby coordinates and settling into the room. I jumped on the bed and decided I would hit the hay i got in a black tank top and some grey pajama shorts and crawled into one of the beds and right as i hit the pillow i was out like a light. I slept for a good 4 hours the best I possibly slept in the last well six months. I heard a knock at my door knowing it couldn't be a ghost i grabbed my flask filled with holly water and just in case my silver knife and walked to the door. I opened it and saw in the living flesh the man I love Dean Winchester and with him was Sam and Bobby. I freaked out. I opened the holly water and poured it on him that didn't he started to walk towards me right as he put out his arms i cut one of them and knew he wasn't a demon or shapeshifter was he human?

"Quinn he is Dean ok", said Sam as him and Bobby walked into the door. I was happy but still a little freaked out then I realized it was Dean I ran and embraced him. God I missed the smell of his leather jacket. We both let go and sat on the bed next to Sam and Bobby.

"Quinn where the hell have you been", Sam yells i then remembered all the voice mails from him.

"You send your uncle texts to tell him your ok but not me", he yells more.

"You know what Sam you can shut the hell up right now ok you don't know anything ok and guess what you never will so just mind your own business ok and yea I told Bobby I was ok you wanna know why cause he is my UNCLE", i yelled back. Why was Sam acting like this....this isn't him at all.

"None of my business, Quinn your basically a sister to us ok so it would be nice to be filled in on things especially on why you left", me and Sam were now at war Dean and Bobby decided to whisper on who will win and what side they were on.

"You know damn well why I left the night Dean died", i was furious what was Sam wanting out of me so bad.

"Yea right it's cause you can't face your feelings so you decided running is a perfect solution for it", I was fed up with Sam's crap. I slapped him hard it wasn't like in the movies this is like real life I'm pissed beyond belief slap. He rubbed his left cheek i could see a red mark in the shape of my hand appear on his face. I felt my eyes burn with tears and felt the lump that kept on appearing in my throat.

"You know why I left Sam and you mock me because of it i thought you were different but I was wrong", I said softly i was hurt from everything me slapping him to him mocking my pain...eveything. He finally realized what he was saying and tried to apologize and make things right but I rejected it all.

"No Sam don't the damage is already done ok", i turned away and walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me and cried i cried till I could cry no more. I don't know how long I stayed in and i don't know when i got out but when I did it was just Dean in the room and he was lying on the bed watching tv he turned and saw me and patted for me to lay next to him. I walked over to the bed and crawled on it and laid down next to him. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close.

"You ok?", he asked while rubbing his thumb on my upper arm. I sniffled.

"Yea I'm fine", i sighed.

"I'm sorry for Sammy sometimes he just doesn't know when to shut up",he whispered. I smiled and after that we just laid there without speaking it was nice. Our breathing was in sync he was nice and warm and he still had that musky leather smell that I have know to love. I saw it grow dark outside and felt myself becoming more and more tired.

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