Chapter 8: Motel bound

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The next day I was able to leave the hospital Sam signed me out and walked me out to the impala.

"Well we have a case it's an hour out if North Dakota Dean I already at the motel", he said as he started the car and drove down the road. I didn't want to talk all I could think about is me almost saying those three words. Dean couldn't feel the same way towards me. That was all I could think about is all the possibilities. we arrived at the motel and i got out as Sam parked and walked to the door that had Dean standing in front of it.

"So what's the case", I asked as i approached Dean.

"I can't tell you Bobby told us to make sure you stayed out for a hunt to just relax and stuff", he said. Great I have to stay in a motel for who knows how long.

"But you can help with research", he said trying to cheer me up.

"Oh goodie", I said sarcastically. Dean opened the door and I walked in next was him then lastly Sam.

"Well i need information if I am going to do research", i said as I sat at up a spot at the desk and grabbed my laptop from my bag.

"Ok well all we know that it is a pissed off ghost in a new apartment building and two people have died in two different ways one died by being having their fave cut off. another one was asleep in bed and had deep slash marks in his chest", he said as he sat on the bed.

"Wait their face was cut off and had slash marks in his chest? How many slashes?", I asked as i turned to face the boys.

"Three why", replied Sam.

"Those are deaths from horror movies you know Texas chainsaw and nightmare on elm street", i said and he gave me looks like that's stupid.

"So what the ghost liked scary movies", asked Dean.

"Maybe but in all those movies the people were either insane, dead, monsters, demons, or ghosts so maybe we can look up what was there before the apartments", I said as I turned back to the computer. I looked up the location on where the apartments were and then history on the plot.

"Shit", I gasped reading all the information.

"What did you find", asked Sam as he walked over and leaned on the back of the chair.

"There was an insane asylum there before", I said.

"Ok what does that have to do with anything", asked Dean.

"The institute was shut down after a year because a patient would sneak out of his room at night and find another patient and kill them like they would in a horror movie....they then apparently hung him but it doesn't say where he is buried though", i finished reading the page.

"So we got an insane ghost on our hands great",exclaimed Dean. The cop radio we had went off another murder at the apartments.

"Stay and do more research call us when you find something....Dean we need to go", said Sam. I sighed and looked up more information on this psycho killer. I found out that he killed 25 people in the institute and first was chopping off his face next was the slash marks and next apparently was the most thought out. There were two kids in the institute a brother and sister he killed them just like in the movie when a stranger calls. Afterwards he used the payphone they had in the place called the front desk and said have you checked on the children just like the movie. I called Dean.

"Hey Dean did two kids die a boy and a girl", i asked frantically in the phone.

"Yea why what's up", asked Dean.

"Was there a babysitter", i asked again.

"Yes there is Quinn what is going on", asked Dean.

"Ask her if she got a phone call asking if she had checked on the kids yet", i asked. Dean was going to say something but I just yelled now.

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