bonus insight

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Vincents POV

(first sight in chapter 3)

Waking up I see that today is a sunny day, which is better than the last few days with the drizzle and storms. Getting dressed simply, ready for my daily run, I tie my hair back out my face.

Walking into the common room between my roommate and I's room, don't get me wrong it's not a big space, it's a simple kitchenette and sofa in front of the tv. Which i hardly use. But today it seems my roommates using it as his room, Idiot properly went and got drunk at the party last night, following the team.

I do not drink to be honest I would rather keep my brain cells alive and kicking, and if I want a quick fuck I would rather be sober to enjoy it and not have any as you would say mishaps.

"Dickwad" I shout as I kick his foot, making him jump up awake and fall on the floor "you have that extra training today idiot, try not to be late again, Tobias may just kill you this time".

"Stop being a prick Vincent!" He mutters, probably thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"What are you muttering Galen?! I ask him, deciding to let it slide today.

"uh -uh nothing, just gonna get a shower before I run down!" He stutters and tries to cover himself.

"You will be late again!" I laugh as he all but scampers to the bathroom we share.

Walking out I make my way to the Brewers hut, along the way lots of stupid girls flutter their eyes like they have something in their eyes, trying to look sexy I guess. Idiots.

"Hey, Vincent!" I hear someone say from behind me as I buy a bottle of water, looking I see it's Leah. She is only one of two females I get along with, only because her and Gaia who is the only other female both have no attraction to me. Gaia as she is as gay as a girl can get and Leah just seems unaffected by me.

"Leah!" I say as a greeting as I pay for the water and see the twit at the till smiling and again fluttering her eyes at me, seems there's a pandemic of girls with bad eyes.

"You going on your run, I just may run with you!" Leahs says as she stands level to me as I walk towards the door.

"No Leah, I run alone!" I say shortly to her, we may be on the same team but my runs are my own time, I do not share.

"Oh ok, see you at training!" Leah shouts out as I jog off, me being the arsehole I can be just ignore her parting shout.

Popping my earplug headphones in, I set my pace and start my run. I have been running this route for two years now, other runners see me and get out the way or stop and pretend to be stretching as I run by.

As I run round the back past the training field, I see a girl running towards me, I have not seen this one before. Her blonde hair tied back and with her own earplugs in she seems in her own world, looking her over she seems fit and able, as I look up I see her eyes, the most amazing colour I have seen. As we get closer I expect her to fall at my feet like most other girls here do, or be scared of me as they have heard the beast stories.

But as we get closer she keeps looking forward and continues to run past me, not even giving me a second look.

For some reason, I feel the need to look at her, so I look back and for the first time in a long time I admire a girl's form, including her ass.

Jogging on I try to forget the new girl but her vision is stuck in my head and I find I want to know this one.......weird.

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