Chapter 7: Murder Most Unladylike...?

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Hey! I'd just like to say that there's some swearing/insults (sl*t and maybe others), a bit more violence in this chapter and mentions of suicide! So here's your warning, fresh out of the oven!

.~~(Y/N)'s POV~~.

It's a Monday morning and I'm eating breakfast. What's that? You didn't ask? Oh, well, I don't care.

"(Y/N)! You have to turn on the TV right now!" Ayano asks of me from upstairs. I do so and find out that there has been a murder somewhere local. And by local, I mean at my school. Wait...that can't be right.

"In a high school called Akademi in the Kantō prefecture, a teacher is said to have committed suicide. Hinata, can you tell us more on that?" The news lady says and the screen switches to a man outside my school. Never mind, it's right. But my real questions are, who, what and why.

"Yes I can, Mahiru. The teacher said to have committed suicide is called Mido Rana. We believe this because he recently got fired from his job as a teacher and at his death scene, he had a note written by him and, cover your ears kids, hung himself with a rope in the gymnasium of the school out of depression." What? Mido? But we literally just saw him yesterday at the festival! Well...he was acting weird.

.~~Third Person~~.

Despite having a lot going on in (Y/N)'s head, she's completely frozen in shock on the outside and has gone a bit pale.

"Oh my god...that's...that's just horrible. Sure he was a creep but to go as far as to kill him self?! I think that's a bit insane." (Y/N) claims in a rushed manner.

"Yes, well, you never really know someone's mental state. Please don't loose your head over this, (Y/N). Just stay by me at school and you won't need to be scared because I'll protect you." Ayano states. She appears to be in a slightly better posture than usual and on the inside, she's overjoyed.

"Ayano! They're gonna think that WE are the killers because of that prank! What are we going to do?! I can't go to jail yet! I'm only in high school! I have my whole life ahead of me! I still don't know how Hunter X Hunter ends!" (Y/N) rushes her words out and starts hyperventilating.

"We'll be fine, (Y/N). As long as we don't actually kill anyone it will be alright." Ayano reassured her and the (h/c) girl calms down. A little bit after she says that, (Y/N) receives a message from the student council president himself, Megamo, saying that they will have a week off of school due to recent events.

"When did you two exchange numbers?" Ayano questions.

"I'm not sure actually, I just got a message one day from him."

.~~Timeskip to when the girls go back to school~~.

Ayano walks through the corridors with ease, as if nothing ever happened with Mido in the first place. (Y/N), on the other hand, was shaking in her boots, afraid that someone would suspect them of murder. Ayano notices this through her quick glances at her sister and, like last time, reassures her that they're fine and nothing will happen to them.

The sisters walk into the classroom where they'd usually have Mido, but no teacher is in there, not even a cover teacher. The popular girls look annoyed and impatient as they are too ignorant to read the news and find out that their "love" is dead.

"Hey, you! New girl! The one that doesn't have creepy eyes!" One of them beckons (Y/N) over.
"Why isn't Mido here yet? He's never late for me!"

"Didn't you read the news? He's dead, you teacher's pet." The girl had gotten more snappy as she is the most on edge she's ever been. But not snappy as in 'I'm an edgy teenager and I rebel against my parents', it's more like 'I'm so anxious, I can't think before I speak so I'll just say whatever comes to my mind first."

"Wha-!? Teachers pet!? Who the hell do you think you are?! Our love was mutual! He even played with my hair as he told me what was worrying him!" The popular girl protests.

"Mutual? It's illegal! I bet you didn't even care about him or his problems, you just liked him because he was mildly good looking and you craved a baby. You're a slut." Remember what I said earlier about the type of snappy? Yeah, that theory has gone completely out the window.

"Wanna say that to me again, bitch?!" She shouts as she picks up her scissors and points them near (Y/N)'s neck. As soon as Ayano sees this, she immediately shoves the popular girl onto the floor and stands firmly in front of (Y/N).

"What the fuck was that for?! You aren't even involved!" The girl yells while standing up from the floor. "It's on, bitches." A series of people chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Is heard all in the classroom. 'How immature' Ayano thinks to herself.

"What's going on in here?! Shut up, other people are trying to learn! I'm in a bad enough mood as it is, I don't need you all to pile on top of it!" Megamo lectures the class and everyone sits back in their seats. Because of a conversation he had earlier, his mood was clearly not the best.

.~~Flashback in Megamo's POV~~.

"I'm telling you that Mido Rana absolutely did NOT commit suicide! The new student called Ayano Aishi faked this suicide and it was really a murder! His 'suicide note' was forged in his handwriting by her too!" I shout at the principle, frustrated. We had been debating, no correction, arguing about this for 20 minutes now and he still can't get it through his thick skull. It's seriously pissing me off now!

"Megamo! Stop with this foolish debate, you have no evidence to support your answer, you can't just go with an answer based on a personal fight when the subject is murder! Do you not comprehend how serious a concept like this is?! Get out of my office right now. Start thinking straight! Our talk is over, I'm disappointed, Megamo." The principle says and with that, Megamo storms out of his office.

.~~Flashback over, back to Third Person~~.

The president slams a piece of paper down on to the teacher's desk. It was Mido's suicide note.

"A certain female student in this class faked this, the supposed 'suicide note' from your teacher, Mido Rana. They forged his handwriting, murdered him and made it look like a suicide!" He gets the people to read the note and it says,

"Dear whoever reads this,

At the time of writing this, I am jobless.

I have no hope. I have no emotions other than F̶e̶a̶r̶ despair. I am going to die. It's too late to try and redeem the person that was once Mido Rana. I am damaged beyond repair. Satan awaits me in hell, and in hell, I shall rot like the vermin I am. No one will miss me, I barely could be called a human being, I was just a disgusting disappointment to the world. I'm done. Mido Rana will no longer be here. Mido Rana is never coming back. Mido Rana has been exterminated.


After reading the note, everyone gasps and the popular girl starts crying and mascara starts to poor down her face.

"Megamo! Who is it?! Maybe I don't want to know...But this is just too cruel! I feel like we all should know, this is a crime after all and justice HAS to prevail!" (Y/N) exclaims, not knowing what she wants exactly while also kind of trying to prove her innocence.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry.. The murderer is none other than the weirdest, most twisted, vile teenager you'll ever meet...

...Ayano Aishi."


WOO! I've done it! I feel like my chapters are getting worse every time I post a new one so I'm trying to fix that. Hopefully this wasn't to bad for you all. I almost forgot to set a title-

Anyway, I'm almost at 200 followers which is like insane to me, I didn't even think I'd get 15. I've met some great friends on this app! Also, quick question, would you rather be the protagonist or antagonist? Personally, I'd choose antagonist.

Thank you for rreading this chapter! Goodbye!

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