Chapter 2: Find That Senpai!!! Part 2!

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.•~~(Y/N)'s POV~~•.

Ayano and I run up to the roof of the school where I saw many of the students there, all enjoying their lunch.

"Hey, do you think this would be a good spot to eat lunch?" Ayano asked me.

"Yeah, I think maybe somewhere near a corner would be nice!" I answer. Ooh! She might be able to find her senpai somewhere up here! I tell her that I'm going to try and make some friends, she nods and we part ways.

I walk up to these two girls with green and purple hair and say hi.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) Aishi! Pleasure to meet you!"

"Aishi, Aishi, Aishi.......OH! Your sister is Ayano isn't she? You guys were supposed to be in our writing class earlier but you didn't show up." The purple haired one says. "I'm Kokona Haruka by the way."

"And I'm Midori Gurin." Midori says.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that! We got lost on our way to the principles office to get our schedules. But then this nice boy with silver hair, I think his name was Megamo, helped me and Ayano get there!" I say as the two girls infront of me just stare at something that's slightly taller than me.

"Well it's nice to know that you think I'm kind, but I'm here to give you that tour of the school, it took me ages to find you..." I turn around and see that student council boy I was talking about. Oh right! I totally forgot, Megamo promised me and Ayano a tour around the school to get to know it better! I tell him that I'm going to get Ayano and he nods and watches me walk off.

.•~~3rd Person~~•.

" you like her?" Midori asks with a smirk on her face to Megamo. His eyes widen for a moment, until he goes back to his usual stern face, then speaks.

"I cannot make judgements yet, since she has only been here for half a day. The same for Ayano." He states. He couldn't be more obvious that he loves her. The blush when she comes near, the close stutters when he talks to her and the way he lets his guard down around her. Honestly, (Y/N) could probably hit, kick or punch him and he wouldn't be ready for it at all!

.•~~Ayano's POV~~•.

I look around the roof for my senpai, yet I haven't found him. I haven't lost hope, since I have my sister, the hope that I'll find my senpai exists in me because of her. I might not even need a senpai, she can be my senpai, I don't care if it's wrong to love your own sibling in that way, she's a bright enough light for me to see in my empty darkness(?). Anyone with a brain can see that she is perfect, why else would she get like 10 confessions a day?

"Ayano! Where are you? That student council boy is here to give us a tour of the school!" (Y/N)'s voice calls for me and- Wait. Did she just say that snobby student council member is giving us a tour if the school? I bet he's only doing it to look nice and perfect infront of
(Y/N), he really IS desperate, isn't he?

"Ok, lead the way." I say, hiding my anger with my blank face. But that wasn't enough to hide it. My eyes told the whole story. Fury. Anger. Rage.
"Ayano? What's the matter? You look mad!"

.•~~(Y/N)'s POV~~•.

I was walking back to Megamo with Ayano and I noticed something in her eyes. It looked...angry.

"Ayano? What's the matter? You look mad!" I say worriedly. I don't think she was paying attention so I asked a second time.

"Oh really? I'm not." She was very quick with her answer, but I still believed her. A few seconds later, we were next to Megamo and he started to give us the tour. For some reason, Ayano was giving him a look I've never seen her give anyone before. It's strange, but I shrug it off.

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