Just Breathe

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Her dreams were filled with flashes of her academy days.

Her friends greeting her as they warmed up in the rehearsal hall. The smell of Giselle's cigarettes as she watched with her eagle eyes. Johanna could practically feel the wood beneath her feet again, losing herself in the choreography. Every limb was an extension of her soul, the ebb and flow of her muscles acting as pathways.

They breathed as one, moving in time, not even one out of sync at any level. The room filled with their sighs, the space filling with their spirit. Soon the surroundings slipped away, leaving only empty space. She could feel their vitality circulate and wash over them.

Johanna's eyes snapped open, unable to return to her surroundings after her fantasy return to her school. It took a few minutes before she was able to focus on the room and its ornaments. A banner swayed lazily from the ceiling, a ballet dancer reaching towards the ceiling plastered on both sides. Johanna rolled her eyes at that, not in annoyance but in an understanding that that was her personality now. Everyone in the castle was bound to know who she was after Dumbledore's speech the night before.

She pulled herself out of bed, stretching as she normally would before her day got started. The light from the stained-glass window shone through, already a far cry from her dreary home of Berlin. She had always loved the rain, cozying up on the windowsills and reading in her free time. A warm cup of caramel hot chocolate...

A series of loud bangs on her door stirred her from her thoughts.

"Who is it?" She called out, making her way over to her robes.

"Hurry it up in there, we're going to be late for class!" A harsh voice bellowed.

She huffed, pulling Gryffindor robes over her leotard and trousers. Once she flung the door open, Malfoy's hand almost collided with her face. He clearly wasn't expecting her to be as forceful as him. He looked her up and down, snickering at her outfit choice.

"Dumbledore couldn't get you a decent uniform?"

"Shops were closed. Besides I'm not in any house, so he told me I could just wear what I would to the academy," She slammed the door behind her, butting past him as she slipped her wand into her robe pocket. Malfoy's lips curled into a smirk as he tried to keep up with her.

"Do you even know where you're going?" He teased, an annoying chuckle accompanying his phrase.

"I was hoping to escape you, actually." She kept her eyes ahead as she walked, head held high. Students weren't even trying to hide their stares as they noticed her not only out of uniform, but being accompanied by Draco Malfoy. They whispered and stared while Johanna kept her eyes straight down the hallway, daring anyone to stop her.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" He mocked, trying to conceal his struggle with her gait.

"It'll take a lot more than a git like you thinking he's funny to make me upset," She rolled her eyes, turning a corner quickly.

"What makes Dumbledore think you're so special then, huh? Cause you know how to dance? Hardly a talented wizard by my standard. A bit pathetic if I'm being honest."

"I wouldn't put it past you to not understand anything about the subject," She dryly remarked. Clearly the sarcasm escaped Malfoy.

"Of course not, dancing is for pansies and girls," He frowned as a first-year bumped into him, Malfoy sending him a death glare, "besides, Snape seems to think Dumbledore is just as stupid to favor you. You haven't even used a wand. Do you even know any spells?"

Her teeth clenched, "I wish I did, maybe then I could get you to shut up."

He laughed again, clearly enjoying her annoyance, "Unfortunately for both of us, I've been assigned to tutor you. You'll have to learn to get over it. Like me."
"You act like you have better things to do. Believe me, I don't want to spend every class period with you either but it's fated displeasure," She caught sight of Harry, Ron and

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