By The Fire

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"You've got some serious brain damage," Ron exclaimed.

Johanna shook her head, buttoning her jacket as they walked through the courtyard. She knew when she told Harry and Ron that they would freak out. The day they got back from the winter holiday, Harry knew something was up from the look on her face. It had now been an entire week and they still didn't shut up about it.

Since they were allowed to visit Hogsmeade again, Draco was meeting her on the way as he had a detention to serve with Snape. She agreed to hang out with Harry and Ron while Hermione, who refused to talk to Ron since he had gotten together with Lavender, was holed up in the library.

"I wouldn't keep going on if I were you, Won-Won. What's that thing you're wearing? I think it says 'My Sweetheart'?" She made a kissy noise as she nodded to his neck. He desperately tried to pop the color on his coat to hide it. Harry couldn't help but laugh.

"Still... Malfoy's the worst. What do you see in him?" Ron grumbled.

She rolled her eyes, "I can't explain it all. But I've seen him for who he really is, alright? He's not that bad when you get to know him..."

Ron looked over at Harry, "She has gone mad. Should have invited her with us for the holidays, she's got cabin fever for Malfoy stuck in this castle!" He extended a hand to press against her forehead.

She tried to hold in her laughter as she shoved his hand away. She pushed away from him so that she was walking on the other side of Harry, sighing loudly, "So what do you think, Harry? Think I'm mad?"

He shrugged, looking over at her, "Got you that necklace, didn't he?"

She did as Ron had before, wrapping her Slytherin scarf around her neck to hide it. He cocked his head to the side, elbowing her arm, "The last necklace Malfoy gave out cursed Katie Bell. Be careful with it..."

"Not this again," Ron grumbled.

Johanna stared down at the ground as they walked, growing silent as the two boys began to talk about their future purchases. Ron was going on about Madam Rosmerta and butterbeer when Harry cleared his throat. Ron quieted immediately when the three set their eyes on Draco.

He was in a dark peacoat, hands shoved in his pockets as he leaned against a stone pillar. He looked up at Johanna and smiled at her, not even bothering to look at the boys accompanying her. She felt relief wash through her at this, fearing for a while that a fight might break out.

She smiled at Harry, stretching on her toes to give him a hug. He looked over at Draco as he did, locking eyes with the boy as he clenched his jaw. Ron scratched the back of his head, only lightly hugging Johanna as he didn't intend to set off Malfoy.

Johanna skipped to Draco, his fingers wrapping around her scarf and pulling her into a kiss. Ron and Harry stood awkwardly, unsure of whether they were free to go. Johanna pulled back, looking back at the two as they forced a smile.

Draco wrapped his arm around her shoulder, tilting his head as he narrowed his eyes at Harry, "Want a picture, Potter?"

"Draco," Johanna warned.

"No, I'm quite alright. Just admiring your present to Johanna. You seem to have an affinity for necklaces," Harry's expression dared Draco to fight back.

Draco let out a tense chuckle, "Got a good conspiracy theory, do you? I'd love to hear it."

Harry stepped forward, glancing at Johanna, "Don't hurt her, Malfoy. I'll hurt you worse if you do."

Ron placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, whispering for him to drop it. Draco began to tremor, rage flowing through him. Johanna placed her fingers on the back of his neck, a gentle reminder of her presence. "How dare you even insinuate-"

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