This might actually work...if neither of us accidently confess our love

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      Bellamy's eyes fluttered open as his pod shifted forward, the top popping open. He felt as if he had been asleep mere seconds, instead of years that his brain was telling him it was. His vision was hazy with sleep, blinking a few times they soon focused. He first saw a flash of blonde leaning over him "Hey."

"Hey." He repeated back his voice thick with sleep. He Blinked again this time trying to stop himself from getting lost in her eyes. Sitting up swiftly with a grunt which he regretted almost immediately.

His eyes caught sight of the hallway, causing his brows to furrow "Why is it just us?"

"I...I don't know," Clarke murmured clearly just as confused as Bellamy.

Bellamy shifted his legs over the bed, his feet dangling for a moment before he jumped to the ground. Clarke followed him when he started towards the control panel. With a push of a button the door opened, leading to the control room. Clarke followed suit trying to keep up with Bellamy's hurried step. His brow furrowed even more, his head whipped around the room, mind racing

"Why is it just us?" he repeated, his head stopped and he rapidly moved towards what caught his eye. A video on the screen, with a note that read play me. Bellamy snuck a glance back at Clarke briefly before pushing his finger down on the keyboard. Monty appeared before them.

"They didn't go to sleep" Bellamy whispered so quietly it was barely audible. Towards the end of Monty's speech, the blinds on the window opened causing both their eyes to be ripped from the screen. The place Monty was speaking about wasn't there; it was just deep, cold, empty space.

"Where is it?" Bellamy questioned rushing towards the window, only to be met with nothing in sight. "It's not here!" Bellamy proclaimed hitting the glass. Clarke leaned down and looked through the computer seeing the files Monty mentioned. Bellamy heard Clarkes breath hitch when she found what she was looking for.

"We woke up too soon," Clarke said motioning Bellamy over. "Look" she spoke pointing at the screen. "We're still a little over two years away."

"Then why are we awake?" Bellamy asked out loud.

"Monty set a countdown for us to wake up first, but something must have gone wrong."

"Is there a way to reset the countdown; so, we can go back to sleep and wake up in two years like we were supposed to?"

"I think so." Clarke responded turning back to the screen "hold on" she turned her head, looking at Bellamy, his face only inches from hers; she could feel his breath against her face.

She cleared her throat whipping her head back towards the computer. "Okay I think if we get back in our pods then we will go back to asleep and we'll wake up when were actually supposed to"

Bellamy nodded standing up straight ready to go back to their pods "Bellamy wait"

"Yeah?" he questioned raising his eyebrow.

"uhm," Clarke hesitated "never mind" she said back chickening out. He nodded not wanting to press her on whatever she was going to say. Clarke stood up following Bellamy back to their pods.

Clarke walked straight over to the place she's laid for countless years. Before laying down she turned towards Bellamy who was already staring back at her. "Well good night I guess" Clarke spoke.

"Good night " Bellamy repeated back before laying down in his pod. They both squeezed their eyes shut waiting for sleep to take hold of them. Clarke huffed in frustration opening her pod to see Bellamy doing the same.

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