Not much has changed... well except for everything

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    Clarke looked down at her producing stomach, her lips switched upward on instinct thinking about the baby growing inside her. Bellamy's baby. Bellamy's hand came and rested just above her belly button. "Have you thought of any names?" She questioned placing her hand on top of his.

He shook his head "No, have you?" He leaned down kissing her shoulder.

She hesitated "I was thinking if it's a girl we could name her Aurora, after your mother." He froze causing her to back track "we don't have to... I just thought if you wanted to."

He pulled back to look at her tears in his eyes "that would mean so much to me." He slammed his lips against hers. "God, I love you."

Clarke sunk into his side sliding down the bed until her head was resting in the crook of his neck. He could feel her smiling against him before pressing a soft kiss to the side of his jaw. He smiled to himself before returning to his book.

She silently basked in the feeling of being completely consumed by his love. If she knows one thing in life it's that she loves him with every ounce of her being. She poked his side. "Read it aloud." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her pulling her closer to him starting to read the story out loud.

"I finished." Bellamy said proudly practically running into their room, plopping down onto the bed. Clarke smiled clearly amused at how excited he was

"Do I finally get to know what it's about?"

"It's about us." Bellamy admitted. Clarke gasped, taking the makeshift book from his hands. "It starts at the beginning of our story till now."

"Can I read it?" She questioned finding herself feeling just as giddy as him..

"Of course" she opened the book giddily turning to the first page. Bellamy laughed at how excited she was, and pulled out the book he's been working through to distract himself.

he hadn't turned a page in at least twenty minutes, rereading the same line over and over. None of it is sticking in his brain. He's too nervous about Clarke's reaction to his book.

His head lifted up at the sound of her snorting in disbelief. She turned to him "when you first saw me I did not take your breath away"

"Nothing I put in there is a lie" she shook her head still not believing him. "If you really felt this way, then why were you such an asshole?"

"My first and only priority was keeping Octavia safe. The moment I saw you I knew I could fall for you and that would have distracted me from keeping Octavia safe. So I was a dick to you to keep you away. I have been in love with you for a long time and I will be for the rest of my life." She leaned forward capturing his lips with hers.

"It's strange to read about myself through your eyes,"

Clarke walked into the mess hall. She waited over an hour for him to come to bed; until she got up with a huff deciding to go look for him herself. Her eyes landed on Bellamy, a smile instantly taking place on her face at the sight of him; but dropped almost as quickly as it appeared upon seeing the worried look on his face. She walked over with a look of uneasiness of her own. She carefully maneuvered herself onto his lap wrapping her arms around him, resting her head in the crook of his neck. His hand instantly found her stomach. "What's the matter?" she asked gently, her voice vibrating against his skin.

He shook his head, putting on a smile "nothing." She sat up giving him a pointed look that told him she wasn't buying it. "I was just thinking about how everyone is going to wake up soon and we'll have to go down and explore the new planet." He paused "Clarke I have to be one of the ones on the mission I have to see for myself that it's safe for you, for the baby. But that means we'll be separated again. And we're always separated, and it's always for a long time and i'm so sick of us being separated not counting the last two years I can't remember the last time we were in the same place for very long and I'm just worried it will be like that again."

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