There is something between us it is the most beautiful thing i have ever felt

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Bellamy laid in bed book in hand, Clarke next to him pencil rapidly moving back and forth. He glanced over to see a look of concentration plastered on her face. A light smile growing on his lips, god he loves this woman.

Her pencil comes to an abrupt stop "What's wrong?" Bellamy asked his voice laced with concern upon noticing the look on Clarke's face. She shook her head rapidly, her hand quickly coming up to cover her mouth. Her other hand speedily unraveling herself from the blankets. In a flash she was rushing to the bathroom. Just in time she made it to the toilet emptying all the contents of her stomach. She felt her hair being pulled away, Bellamy's hand rubbing her back soothingly.

After dry heaving for a few more minutes she releases the toilet from her tight grasp. Bellamy sat against the wall holding his arm open for her to lean into him. She slowly slid into his arms laying her head on his chest.

"Are you okay?" Bellamy asked, softly petting her head to soothe her.

She nodded against him "yeah, I think it must have been a bad batch of algae, or something."

"Are you sure that's it? Because I ate it too, and I feel fine." He questioned

"Maybe I'm just coming down with something" she considered. Bellamy nodded, tugging her closer to press a delicate kiss to her head.

They laid there on the floor till Bellamy heard the sound of Clarke softly snoring. The sound of her sleeping peacefully put a small smile on his face; but his forehead was still creased in worry. He sighed trying to stop his mind from coming up with all the worst case scenarios, seeing that Clarke and him were magnets for worst case scenarios. Bellamy carefully detangled himself from Clarke, pulling her in his arms to carry her to their bed.

Once Clarke was settled against his chest Bellamy closed his eyes trying to get at least some sleep; but his mind was racing too fast. He sighed running his hand over his face, he pulled Clarke closer listening to the soft sound of her breathing.

A week later Clarke was still not any better, and Bellamy still wasn't sleeping. Bellamy was sitting on the edge of the bed when Clarke emerged from the bathroom; a smirk formed on her lips as she strutted towards him. She climbed onto his lap, her hands coming to rest on both his cheeks. "Hi," she whispered, her forehead coming to rest on his.

A smile of his own growing on his face "hi, princess" he whispered back. She pulled back stroking her thumb over his cheek, her face growing serious "you need to stop worrying about me and get some sleep" she felt like she was going to cry looking at the bags forming under his eyes. He looked so tired and she couldn't help but feel responsible.

He looked down at the floor "easier said than done" he spoke more to himself then her. She slipped off of him grabbing his hand in hers, "come on." She pulled him up and over to the side of the bed, pulling the blanket back. She laid down dragging him with her, she laid his head on her chest and he fell asleep listening to the soft lull of her heartbeat.

When he woke up the first thing he noticed is that Clarke was awake, staring at the ceiling with an odd look on her face. "Aren't I supposed to be the one awake at all hours worrying" Bellamy joked. Clarke didn't move her brow, only creasing further.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked gently, growing more serious.

She turned to him smiling reassuringly "yeah, fine. I was just thinking." he brought his hand to rest on her hip, his thumb slowly stroking her side.

"About what?" He prompted her to continue lightly. Her hand came to rest his cheek "I'm... I'm scared" she whispered tears glistening her eyes.

He shook his head "don't be, whatever it is we'll face it together." He spoke confidently.

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