I thought the only way to better ways was theough tomorrow

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Bellamy woke to Clarke sleeping sound on his chest, her hair right under his nose so he could inhale her scent. His finger lazily training up and down her arm. He had never felt more content in his entire life. Clarke let out a moan singling she felt the same. Bellamy leaned down to press his lips to her head. "I want to hold you in my arms forever" Bellamy spoke sleepily.

    "I love you" Clarke whispered before pressing a kiss to his chest. Bringing a smile instantly to Bellamy's face.

  "I love you too" he spoke smoothly, his finger playing with strands of her hair.

  "We should probably get up," Clarke said but not moving, digging her face into the crook of His neck.

    "Why do you have somewhere to be that I don't know about" Bellamy smirked wrapping his arm around her, keeping her in place.

They laid in a peaceful silence both feeling safe and warm and more at home than ever before. Clarke finally spoke before Bellamy could drift back to sleep with a content smile on his face. "I should have said something sooner, we wasted so much time." She softly traced patterns on his stomach as she talked.

He craned his neck kissing her head again. "Now we have all the time in the world to just... live. Just you and me no more wars or impossible choices we finally have the time to breath" he voiced; hoping she didn't mind him referencing her much earlier words.

His hand reached under her chin tilting her head so she was looking at him. He moved his hand to her face slowly caressing her cheek with his thumb. "I want to spend eons with you Clarke Griffin" he leaned down pressing his lips to hers. They both settled back to their original position both falling asleep with peaceful smiles on their faces.

The next time Bellamy woke up he was alone, the bed felt cold and empty without Clarke. He shoved the blanket off of him, swinging his legs over the side of the bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stood and walked over to the bathroom turning on the shower.

Once dressed Bellamy walked towards the mess hall in search of Clarke. He smiled when he found her in the corner drawing in her sketchbook, she quickly glanced up at him when she finally noticed his presence but had to do a double take when she noticed his lack of facial hair. She smirked "you shaved."

"Yeah, thought it was about time for a change" he spoke as he walked over to sit down next to her.

"It looks good" she ran her hand over his now smooth cheek. He took advantage of their position and leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips.

  "Much better, not so itchy" she teased once they separated. He let out a small chuckle turning his attention to her lap. "What are you drawing?" He questioned gesturing to her sketchbook.

   "You." She said simply. "I used to draw you over and over, terrified I'd forget your face" he squeezed her hand reassuringly knowing it was painful for her to talk about.

  "Why are you still drawing me? I'm right here, and we're never going to be separated again.

A small smile forming on her lips "Because you're still my favorite person to draw." Her smile faded "and you can't know that for sure."

He nodded sadly "you're right, but I can promise I'm always gonna fight like hell to get back to you." Clarke scooted closer leaning in, Bellamy meeting her half way he would never get used to being able to kiss her.

Bellamy stood up holding his hand out for Clarke "come on, I want to show you something" she slid her sketchbook off her lap setting it next to her. She took his hand with a big smile already on her face. He pulled her up, interlacing their fingers together as they walked.

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