Those unfinished conversations we used to have still speak to me

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Clarke entered the mess hall, spotting Bellamy at a table; a bowl of algae in front of him. "Hey" she spoke quietly not knowing if he remembers anything from last night.

   "Not so loud" Bellamy groaned, causing Clarke to giggle.

   "Sorry" she said, very unapologetic, Taking a seat opposite of him. He slid over the bowl that sat waiting for her beside him.

   "So... last night was I super drunk or... did I hear your radio calls" He spoke slowly trying to find the right words.

    "Both." Clarke whispered trying to laugh it off to show him she was fine when she was anything but. Her eyes looked anywhere but him, knowing she would break if she looked at him.

Bellamy nodded seeing right through like he always does. He knows this is overwhelming her, so he treads lightly when he asks "How?"

   "I don't know this ship must have received all of my radio calls and recorded them for some reason."

    "Would it be okay" He stopped himself taking a deep breath before continuing. "Would it be okay if I listened to them"

   "There are things on there you wouldn't want to hear" he nodded understanding that they were private and respecting her wishes; he wouldn't bring it up again seeing how uncomfortable they made her. "But they were for you so if you want to then, I guess go ahead" Clarke continued, she took a deep breath knowing he had a right to hear them.

   "Are you sure, because Clarke you have to be sure. It's okay if you don't want me to, I understand." He reached across the table taking her hand.

   "They were meant for you to hear them, so you should" she got up knowing she couldn't sit through those; and he would probably want to get started right away. "it might take you awhile there are a lot"

    "I've got time" he said, flashing her a grin.

Clarke turned back towards the door, only making it a few steps before turning to face him again. "oh, and Please skip day 698" She tries to sound casual but the way her voice breaks gives her away. She hopes he doesn't question why she remembers the exact day, but in her mind all she can think is how could she forget.

He nods not wanting to overstep when she is already showing him such a personal thing. He finished his bowl, washed it, and placed it back in the kitchen; before making his way to the control room. Sitting down in the middle of the panel. He took a shaky deep breath preparing himself before pushing his finger down pushing the button in.

   "Bellamy, I made it. I'm alive, the night blood worked. Come in. I know this probably isn't going to work but it's worth a shot"

    "it's been 26 days since praimfaya. I'm better now, healing. I found the rover buried deep in the aftermath of praimfaya. but I'm sure I can dig it out, I've got five years to do it. By now Monty should have the algae farm up and running; how bad does it suck?"

   "It's been 39 days since praimfaya. I finally got the rover out; I'm leaving Becca's lab heading to the bunker" she took a deep breath. "I miss you. I miss all of you of course, But I-" she paused. "anyway, I should get going before it gets dark just wanted to check in with you before I left"

   "It's been 42 days since praimfaya I'm at the bunker. Bad news it's completely buried under rubble. I can't dig it out by myself. I guess it's just me. I thought...I don't know I thought I could make it in the bunker, and everything would be okay but. I'm all alone now. I guess not totally alone I got you. Even when you're not here you're always with me, even if I am just talking to myself, you're what's keeping me sane; no pressure of course."

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