Day 11

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OK so I'm gonna make this pretty quick because I'm really tired that's a good thing so I'll hopefully have a better chance of shifting. I am going to meditate and I'm going to read over my script because I saw someone recommend that you read over your script to Reminders stop what you're doing, what you're going for, what your goal is. Then I'm gonna try the raven method again or I'm gonna try the pillow method, probably the pillow method because my back is really sore. I haven't told you all this but I have a stress fracture on my back, It's not really that important but the raven method does agitated because arching my back agitates it. So I won't do the raven method every single day because it agitates my back and it makes it painful, so I think what I'll do for my method tonight is start with the Alice in wonderland method then put my phone under my pillow and count slowly from 1 to 100 and just do it that way. So it'll combine the raven method, the pillow method, and the Alice in wonderland method. So wish me luck I'm going to shift a Draco tonight.
MORNING AFTER- OK so now I'm getting super close because I fell asleep and I woke up and I was hearing some sounds from my DR, I scripted that when I was in my DR I hear faint piano music in the background of my room. And I was hearing a little bit of piano music but it kept cutting out, I wasn't really thinking much about anything, especially the scent so I wasn't sure if I smelled what I scripted I would smell when I entered my DR. But I'm super excited to shift tonight again and I really feel like I can get it.

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