Day 29

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Alrighty party people, I am starting to get really bored and tired, so that's amazing for me. I think tonight instead of laying down while I meditate, I'm going to do it sitting up with my back against a pillow, so that way I have a smaller chance of falling asleep meditating for what would be the third night in a row. So yeah, also I have been listening to this meditation playlist on Spotify, tell me if you guys want me to link it or just like tell you however I do that. Because it's really calming, I'm listening to two different playlists, one is a theta waves one and the other is an anxiety relief one (bc ya know ya gurl got anxiety). So if you guys wanna know what those are so you can try those out, because I really work well for me. Like yeah I'm going to finish my little conversation I'm having with this girl right now, then I'm going to try and find some other sleeping methods on this app that I have, I can't think of what it's called right now but it'll come to me in like 20 minutes or something, then I'm gonna meditate to set whatever I am feeling at that moment. If I have a lot of brain chatter going on I'll do the anxiety relief one, and if I'm already pretty calm I'll do the theta waves one. And I'll tell you guys what the method I end up using is when I wake up, because I'm gonna be like halfway asleep so I'm not gonna want to get on my phone and tell you what I am about to do, because I'm afraid it would wake me up more. So wish me luck y'all! Let's hope I don't fall asleep meditating again!

MORNING AFTER- OK so I did not fall asleep meditating, but I did happen to fall asleep before I was done with the method I was using. A little annoying but I'm just going to try not to think about it being annoying, and think about it just being a minor setback. So I'm gonna go ahead and explain the message to you guys, so I had found this on amino, and the girl called it the hug method. So basically what you do is you visualize yourself as the person you were going to become and envision yourself in your DR, once you figured out who you are and where you are, you look around and come familiar with your surroundings, feel the sheets if you're in bed, feel the blankets, feel and touch your surroundings that you would wake up in in your DR. Once you've done that you get up and you plant your feet on the ground and feel the Floor beneath you with your feet, I know that sounds a little strange the way I just described that but I don't know exactly how else to say that. So once you have your feet planted on the floor imagine you looking around the room, and do you see someone from your DR. Now this person that you see you want them to be the person who you would be most happy to see in your DR, so for me, I am envisioning Fred because I would be so happy to see him. Now you imagine yourself running towards each other and hugging each other, feel feel your vibrations rise as your happiness rises because you're now with that person, feel the heat coming off of their body and transferring to yours, try and surround yourself with that positivity that they're getting you through that hug. Once you have done that you imagine you and that character from your day are doing something that would make you really happy, I imagine us practicing our ballroom dancing for the Yule Ball, I imagine myself turning on my phone and playing music that we would dance to and we just sit there and dance for a few minutes. Then once you're done imagining yourself dancing with that character, you say goodbye to them, go to your DR bed and imagine your DR self falling asleep, then that's when you actually go to sleep. Then you should wake up in your DR if you do it like that, I'm not really sure how well this is going to work or if this even does work, but I feel like this has a lot of potential to work and to bring me to my DR. So if you guys I want I can just try this out for a few days until you guys how it's going so you guys can decide if you want to use this method or not.

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