Day 36

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All right so I am already pretty tired right now, but I'm going to meditate for a few minutes just to clear my head. A bunch of stuff has happened and I and I need to get it off my mind as quick as I can so I can try and shift again. I'm going to try the same method I created and used last night, if you guys want just entire entry just about that method that I created, tell me and I'll make one. But if you don't you can just go back today 35 if you want to read it again, and read it because I put the method and bold so you can really see it. But I used it last night and I didn't get all the way through it, but the part that I did get I was getting really lightheaded and dizzy, and my hands were twitching and my feet were tingling, and I only got about halfway through. I think one of the last things I just need to do is to let go with my current reality. So I'm gonna add something to that method that When you're holding hands at the top of the stairs, there's a mirror on the door and you're still in your Dr selfs point of view and imagine you are both looking into the mirror and your CR self says "goodbye I'll miss you but I'll see you when I return" or something like that. I watched a video of this girl telling her method for shifting, and that was one of the things she said helps her get detached from her current reality and gives her that final nudge into her desired reality. So I'm gonna try that instead. But yeah I'm gonna meditate then stick my script under my pillow and try the method and hopefully it'll work. And just as a reminder, I really appreciate you guys who are reading this and have been here from the beginning, because not everyone has stuck through it and it's understandable because it's pretty repetitive. But thank you guys who are reading all of this and genuinely care about what I have to say. I just want to be here until my journey to you guys and talk to you guys if you need any help whenever I finally do figure out the best way for me to shift, I just wanna be here for you guys so thank you for sticking around through this long process.


Ok I accidentally fell asleep while trying to shift before I finished the method because I stayed up very late. Also, I wrote the paragraph above on Nov 2, its Nov 6 so it has been a few days. I haven't tried to shift the past few days because I was getting mentally and physically exhausted so I wanted to take a few days off to recuperate and build up my vibrations. I have been in a good head space today and I'm feeling very positive and happy. I can tell my vibrations are high and I've been thinking about shifting all day and constantly saying "I am in my DR" idk why I was doing that, but I feel like it will do something. It was kinda like manifesting I guess. But I'm going to try and shift tonight and hopefully make it.

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