Day 43

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OK so tonight is the last night I'm going to try and shift until Monday night just so I can rest and focus on myself for a few days. But tonight since I've already done everything I really need to before I start trying to lead into shifting, I'm just gonna go straight into meditating and then try to shift, and I still need to think of a good name for my method I'm really trying to think of something unique, but I might as well just call it the Lauren method lol but yeah. That's all I'm gonna say for the night because it is like two in the morning and I'm really tired so I'm gonna go ahead and go so wish me luck. I am it's only been five minutes since I just said wish me luck, but I was on my phone for a few more minutes, and I went to Spotify to try and find my playlist that I use for meditation. And I clicked on the wrong playlist and something happened to catch my eye, and it happened to be an angel number, more specifically the number 555 which means that the universe is currently moving things around you when you see that number. I am also currently crying because I just realized that is the fourth time that I've seen that number today. And I just think it's amazing because I've been seeing so many signs and things on TickTock Of people saying "if you see this it's meant for you you're going to shift tonight or you're going to shift this week" and I just keep seeing so many things that are really making me super hopeful that it's going to happen soon so it's gonna be really hard for me if I don't shift tonight to take a break for a few days when I know I'm so close. So it will kind of suck if I don't shift tonight but whatever happens happens and I'm just gonna be grateful that the universe is sending me all of the signs that I'm close so yeah this is my real good night and wish me luck.

Oh also I'm going to start posting the nighttime entries by themselves and then put the update and the next night together so That leaves a little bit of waiting for you to do to find out if I shifted or not. I'm not trying to be mean but I think it'll create a little bit more "drama" i'm sorry I don't know the word I'm thinking of it's right on the tip of my tongue, ahhhh suspense that was the word that I was looking for and I'm not going to go back and change it because I'm too lazy but yeah it creates a little more suspense for you guys to try and wonder if I shift or not. But yeah that's what I'm gonna do from now on.

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