Day 37

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Ok so my goal for tonight is to get my next Choosing Sides chapter written and published and to use that as a way to tire myself out. Once again, if you haven't read that, you should go check it out it is going to have drama, romance, and a few spicy scenes. If that is something you like, along with Draco Malfoy and Fred Weasley, I would definitely go check it out. Also if you have any story recommendations that you would like to see me write about, definitely message me or just comment it here and I will look into it, I want to start another book soon after I get to the end of Choosing Sides, which I don't think will be too long, maybe in a month or two the book will be almost completely finished. But I want to start thinking of a story line that would be interesting so some of you guys. It can be romance, smut, fantasy, a fanfic, or even a fairy tale, it all depends on what you guys would like to see. I might even write a book of short stories if you guys would be interested in that sort of thing, now that is something I could get behind.


Ok so as I said above, I'm going to write this week's Choosing Sides chapter, and hopefully that will ware me out a little bit before I start preparing to shift. After I finish the chapter, depending on how tired I am, I might start writing another chapter, but I doubt I will do that tonight because it is already almost one in the morning. After I get done writing though, I will get ready for bed, meditate then do the method I had created the other day, since that seemed to really do something the last time I almost got completely through it. I might read a chapter or two of the other book I am reading before I do that because I am OBSESSED with these characters and the story line. But yeah, I'll try and post this in the morning, if not in the morning, it will be at night when I create my next entry for this journal. So yeah, that is pretty much it for tonight, wish me luck! 111


So I just realized that it's been two days since I updated the journal, but long story short I didn't end up shifting, I ended up falling asleep while I was counting, which is a little annoying. But I did try and shift last night, it did not work but I got close it's not like, because I kind of started to smell something like vanilla-ish and the faint smell of smoke, I don't know what that means. I do know that my signature DR scent that I scripted was that I smelled like vanilla and fresh rain, so that's kind of where the vanilla comes in but I'm not really so sure about the smoke part.

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