Who's Sons of Anarchy?

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I was laying down watching a movie called The Breakfast Club, then I heard a car door open the close, then i heard a knock on the door so I jumped up and grabbed my gun and headed to the door.I didn't know who the lady was so I put the gun in the back of my pants and opened the door.

"Hi are you Maria Teller," the lady with black hair with blond in it asked.

"Yes! who are you." I said pissed off when she just walked in my house like she new me. And then my mom pulled in my driveway.

"I'm a friend of your dad and we need your he.." she was interrupt by my mom.

"You need to leave now and leave my family alone. We are done with you and your family." my mom said almost crying and pulling me behind her.

"You know the rules, when you married a Teller you are a Teller and you are in the family." the lady said well getting closer to us. And the lady left well I closed the door behind her and locking it.

"Who is my dad? You said you didn't no who my father was. Was she lying? or are you lying?" I said.

" I did lie, I do know who your father is but his a bad man!" my mom said and started to cry.

" What's his name?"

" Piney Teller and you have a brother too named Opie!" She walks and sits on the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I go and sit next to her and the couch.

"Because your father left us and Opie went with him to the club so I didn't tell them I was pregnant with you and Gemma was the only one that knows about you and you can't go down there because they will hurt you!" she started to cry again. Then my mom left and I went to bed.

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