His back!

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"What are you doing here? How did you get in here? How did you find us?" I started to cry but tried to keep it in so I can look brave and strong.

"I told you that I will find you and your mom and finished what I started!!" He had a evil smile on his face and I can feel him looking at my soul.

"No! please I would do nothing!" Then there was a knock on the door.

"Go and answer the door and if you say anything about me being here I'm got to shot you! Do you understand!" I shake my head in agreement and go answer the door.

"Hey! Do you have a minute? I really need to talk to you." Gemma said as she tries to push open the door.

"No, sorry my mom's coming over and she'll be here in any minute." Opie comes from around the corner.

"I need to know something, who's our mother?" As he looked me in the eyes.

"Mary Teller! But right now isn't a good time for me." I keep looking at the door then them to try to give them a hint at someone was behind the door.

"Ok! We will come be later, when moms not coming." He say pulling out his gun and pointing it at the door.

"Ok! sweetheart see you later. Oh there is your mom. ok. bye" she walked over to my mom and tell her that someone is inside behind the door.

"Ok, Maria see you later." Then I closed my eyes then I heard a shoot and something hit the floor.

"Maria are you ok baby girl." my mom pulled me into a hug.

"Who was that? What did he want from you guys?"he opened the door wider.

"My ex-boyfriend Bill. We only went out for a week then I broke up with him because he was hitting us." She started to cry.Opie pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hey! This is Opie, I need Juice to come to my sister's house,hide a body, and clean up some blood." he shakes his head and hangs up.

"Ok we are going to have to go to the club house because I have club business or you can stay here until my friend Juice comes." He helps me up from the floor.

"No I can't stay in this house now!" I looked over to the body.

"Ok! You guys can go in Gemma's car and I'll follow you guys to the clubhouse," he locked the door and took us to Gemma's car and she started the car and Opie got on his bike and he followed us.

In the car!

"You know if you would have left the club this would have never happened." She looked at my mom.

"I left the club to keep my baby safe and I didn't even do that." She started to cry.

"Mom it's not your fault. You tried to keep me safe and make me have an nominal kid hood." I hug her and try to make her stop crying.

"It is her fault look you have scars from where he hit you and he tried to kill both of you'd." my mom slaps her and they start to scream at each other.

"Pull over the car!!" I say opening the door and I got out of the car.

"Where are you going?" Opie asked getting off his bike and walking over to me.

" I don't know." I walk away and Opie stopped me by grabbing my upper arm and turning me around.

"Get back in the car!" Opie said.

"No! I'm not getting in that car with those crazy people." I stopped in my steps.

"If you can ride on my bike, brat." I rolled my eyes well he gave me the helmet.

"How's our dad?"

"Oh yea you haven't seen or meet him yet." As we stopped at a Red light.

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