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#To my readers: 

You guys may know me for my poems (If you know me at all, I mean). This is my first novel ever published on wattpad. Its the story of Mother Gothel, the antagonist of the fairy tale Rapunzel. Trust me when I say, this piece of writing is not at all a fairy tale, but a dark fantasy. The story is based on the environment of The Witcher(thus gory is assured), and the characters are from Rapunzel.

If you guys have no clue about what or who The Witcher is, no worries. Read this out, and it will give you a fair idea. The story background will be briefed too! Hope you guys enjoy it, for I put my best so that you all can have a great read. :)



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Behold Gothel, Your Protagonist. I won't disclose much about her, as you will get to know everything in the following chapters. She is a used-to- be witch who has lived for centuries and has seen and endured all kinds of lifestyle. Now I leave it to you guys how one perceives her character. Let me know in the comments, what do you think of her?


Mages are powerful creatures, capable of performing breathtaking magic. Some are blessed/cursed with unique magic at the time of birth, magic which shall never leave its owner unless asked to. Such witches are considered to be very powerful and are quite rare to find.

Dimeritium is the only element which weakens the sorceresses, and if their blood is toxicated with it, a painful death follows. From the outside, it just limits their power(Except the unique power unique witches have since birth), but is lethal when it penetrates one's skin. On humans it has even adverse effects, its large intake (be it external or internal) leading to an excruciating death.

#Beasts and their hunters:

Due to the ruthless hunting of magical creatures, Its rare to find any in the 17th century kingdom of Corona or Saporia, with most of them fleeing back to Switzerland or Poland. Gothel was one of the only few witches still alive. The first chapter is based on this timeline.

Witch Hunters were appointed by His Majesty to rid the land from Witchy Woo, and the monster hunters (The Witchers) to kill the 'less intelligent ones'. 

#History & Politics:

At the earliest, Fredrich Der Lenial governed the only two kingdoms of Germany, The Southern and The Nothern Deutschland. The domain between these two was densely forested and detached from human colonies  by the River Ewig. The travels usually took place through this stream as it connected both the states and saved the trip through the dense wilderness. It played a major role in the efficient governing of both the states.

As monsters invaded Germany from the Skellig islands and Scotland, they settled  down in the no man's land. The water hags and drowners made communication between the two kingdoms nearly impossible, as the informant would never reach the other end and would go missing in his travels.

This marked the birth of two kingdoms, Corona and Saporia, and the tension between the two only rose with time.


Ireland is considered to be the origin of all magical creatures that were ever discovered. As they spread across the globe, panic surged and different measures were taken to eliminate the threat. 

The Old folks of Deutschland used to believe in the saying that the roots of the prevailing problems are often the solution to it. Thus, irish men and women were immigrated to Germany and they settled down at the coast of the detached forestland, but never could they mingle with the germans. 

You will find two dialects to be present throughout the story, the irish and the german. Normal english accent has been used to depict german conversations of the  residents and members of higher classes. The scums, forest dwellers, dwarfs and most of those living in or near the forests have irish accent hinting their origin to the northern lowlands.

# Have a happy read! 

 "I love you not only     

                      for who You are but

  for what I am when    

              I am with you."

"Belief is a weed.

 It grows wild and deep.

   If you want to destroy it for good, 

 you have to uproot it."

#Check out this amazing cover: 

By: @omlata18

By: @omlata18

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This Work of fiction is the sole Copyright of @IshmeetSingh2100. Any reproduction or redistribution of a part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited without the consent of the author.

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