Armes Tier

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The rain poured down the hipped rugged roof, gale battling against the mud hut, where it seemed like the wind had an edge in the tussle. The mud shack was half sunk, roof dangling along with the wind, would have blown off hadn't it been hitched to the earth with a mooring rope. 

Folks residing inside the freakishly demolished hut, were scared to death, doubtful whether they would survive the storm.

For hours it felt like there was no stop to it, the magnitude increasing to an extent where one could no longer listen to the voice of their own against the screeching rain. The shack door blew off and the gale nearly completely destroyed the hut.

 Then suddenly, the storm made a blasting roar and gave away half its speed. It became quieter by the second and the mighty storm became a light drizzle.

"Holy heavens! Meself is alive!!" cried the fisherman, for he thought he was as good as dead. "Seems like she actually did it eh?" mumbled his wife, fully drenched and could barely stand without a support.

"Told ye not to involve the monster Hunters, for they charge more."

"But she is shite when compared to them, also forbidden to mingle with the mages aren't we? Why, ye had help anyone so long they have big tits." 

"That's why we call the Witch hunters, won't pay her a schilling and earn a double. Now shut it ye wench and give me your shoes, for I will leave at once."

Everything became greener. The dead trees regained their leaves, tall grass grew into existence shrouding the dry sand. Even the naked sky was now dressed with clouds, engulfing the heavens, making it pitch dark.

The barren land just took seconds to transform into a thick wilderness. It began to rain and grew windy. Nature was changing its course quite fast because now, it transformed into a storm.

On the wet mossy ground lay the beast oozing out all the green it had fed on for months, the steam leaving its corpse resulting in the land transition. A tall young lady was standing beside it, dusting off her red velvet gown.

A large translucent bubble surrounded her and deflected all the rain from its surface. The globular shield was moving constantly in the form of ripples and the frequent thickening and thinning of it made Gothel look funny.

The intensity of the storm was at its peak, but the inside of the shield was as quiet as death. Gothel removed the last chunk of mud off her gown, and was ready to leave. She walked towards the beast, the cover gliding along with her, and placed her right palm on the top of the Trocken's temple.

The storm began to fade, with the wind coming to a halt. Now it was just a light drizzle.

"Hmm..... This ought to keep it for an year or so," she gave herself a snug smile, and moved away from the monster, the body of which was half gone, the rest clouded in the form of a semi gaseous solid, fading away into the oblivion.

All her energy depleted in defeating The Trocken returned, and now she was actually even younger. Her slightly bent spine was straight again, the grace in her movement was back and her mind was whooshing from one thought to another, carefully planning each and every step.

She planned on collecting her fee, which was minimal, but then, she was working for the scums of Corona. Then she would leave the wretched kingdom for good (With all the money she collected by helping the countryside men, it was possible) and finally get settled.

Finding work in a war ravaged land was difficult, and almost impossible for the magical creatures for they had a big bounty on their head. The more intelligent the beast, the higher the reward. 

Dame GothelWhere stories live. Discover now