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"Make way for our national lovebirds", Off announced when he spotted the main couple walk through the gates of their school. Bright rolled his eyes the moment he heard Off's annoying voice while Win became all flustered. It's not like people didn't know that they were dating, in fact everyone knew since Bright lowkey announced it during their assembly the previous year. Win wasn't comfortable with random people knowing about his relationship though he was friendly with almost the entire school.

"Cut it out already", Win whined and lightly punched his best friend.

"Did you know we're having some new students in our class?", Off said changing the subject and walking along with Bright and Win towards the main building.

"Why would anyone join the school only for their final year?"

"I don't know. I heard he's pretty rich and all that though, arrogant too"

"Let's see", Win said and then turned to Bright, "so I'll see you later"

"Mm okay", Bright replied and turned to his classroom.

"Aren't you forgetting something?", Win said teasingly.

"I'm not doing that, trust me"

"Come on Bright", Win whined and made a puppy face.

"I'll miss you", Bright said mockingly and darted to his classroom, cringing all the way, while Win and Off had a hearty laugh.

"You guys are so cute", Off said, "I'm jealous"

"You should be"

"Okay class, this is your final year. You know you have to be all serious. I'm not gonna give you a whole speech because I know you guys will not take it seriously. You mess up, you end up in the principal's office that's it. Anyways we have a new student, please introduce yourself", Win's class teacher said, clearly sulking along with the students about their long summer break ending.

A tall boy, who was undoubtedly extremely good looking came up front to introduce himself. "I'm Dew Jirawat, I know some of you might be thinking why I joined in the final year. It's because my dad had to transfer here for his work. Nothing else. I hope we can get along well", the boy spoke and smiled sweetly at the class which earned him a lot of cheers.

"He doesn't seem arrogant at all", Win whispered to Off who was sitting in front of him.

"I guess I was wrong huh"

"You can't go and sit next to Win, at the back", the teacher told Dew and pointed at Win who raised his hand so that Dew can recognise him. The tall boy walked to the last bench and sat next to Win.

"Hey, what are your subjects. Let's see if we have any classes together", Win asked the new boy being the friendly person that he is.

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Dew Jirawat: The New transfer kid

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Dew Jirawat: The New transfer kid

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