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Walking through the halls of Aoba Johsai,a guitar case attached to your back.

Students from different kinds of clubs kept on asking if you wanted to join. Which of course you simply declined and pointed at the guitar case behind you.

The response you always got was "Oh music"

Which made you confused. 'Why the tone?'

You are now having class,and thats when you remember. You never saw any music club flyers. Heck,no one from the music club even tried recuiting you. So you decided to go there by
yourself and ask for a form.

As soon as the bell for lunch rang,you immediately made your way out to the halls. You used the time for lunch to explore the school.

Since you're a transferee,it was harder for you to locate the club room than you expected it to be. But you found it eventually,after asking a few students that is.

You stood there,ready to slide the door open. As soon as you were gonna do it,you could see a shadow overlapping your small figure. You gulp,and slowly turned to see who was behind you. But before you could,they spoke.

"What are you doing here?" You heard a deep voice, assuming he was a guy

"I-im here for the m-music club" You stuttered

A loud,almost bang rang through your ears. You could now see his hand hand on the door,he was pinning you. But you could't see his face.

You could hear and feel him breathe which send chills down your spine. His breath was hot.

'Who the fuck is this man? Why the fuck is he cornering me? I thought things like these only happen is cheesy stories?' You thought

"Oi Matsukawa"

The breathing faded away, you couldn't feel it anymore. You sigh in relief,finally turnng around to see who cornerned you.

You saw two boys,much taller than you. Both had dark hair, one had spiky short hair and the other had curly.

The one with spiky hair looked at you

"You alright? This guy didn't do anything to you did he?" He points to the guy with curly hair then smacks him on the back

You shook your head

He didn't believed it,and smacked him on the back again.

"Stooooppp, I didn't do anything" He defends himself

"Anyways,what are you doing here? It's lunch time right?" The one with spiky hair asked

"I wanted to get a club form" You pointed at the music club room

Both males looked at each other. The one who pinned you soon spoke

"That club disbanned 2 years ago"

"The music club didn't have enough members so they had to disban" he added.

"Then why is it still here?" You asked

Which the spiky hair male replied.

"Well.. One of the former members asked if he could at least have the room. He hangs out in there whenever he has time. If you want you could just accompany him"

As soon as he finished talking,a faint voice could be heard coming from the room,accompanied by a guitar.

"Speaking of the devil" One of the male reaches for the door,slowly sliding it opened.

Which revealed a male with light brown hair,sitting on the edge of a table. He looked like an angel,his short hair flowed with the wind that was coming from the window. The sun touching half of this face while the other half,shadowed.

He stops what he was doing when the two male beside you started clapping and whistling.

"Amazing as always Hanamaki!"

"Seriously,you're gonna be famous for your voice someday"

He looks mad at them giving him those comments

"Didn't I told you guys to not disturb me when Im in here?" He glares at them,soon noticing you. He raised a brow

"Oh,this is Y/n. Apparantly she wants to join the music club but there weren't really any members" The shortest out of the three spoke

Suprised, you looked at him.

'I never told them him my name,how does he know?'

He looks at you and smiles.

You brushed it off,maybe he just saw your id.

"O-oh,well.. You could just hang out here with me if you want" The light brown haired male spoke

"My name's Hanamaki,Hanamaki Takahiro"

"Y/n L/n" You introduced yourself

He reached out his hand for you to shake,and you did

"Oh, we never got to tell you our names.I'm Iwaizumi,and this guy who cornerned you is Matsukawa" The spiky haired male puts an arm around the guy called Matsukawa

"Yo" The only thing he responds

'This guy is really getting on my nerves,first he corners me then doesn't even say Hello nicely'

You only wave to him,and forced a smile

The bell rang,signaling all of you to go back to class.

You all said goodbye to each other. And all of you
left,going back to class


the only exception || hanamaki × reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now