Warming Up

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Walking to school,as usual you had your guitar behind you. Today you decided to stay in the music room for a bit. You never really showed up after agreeing to hang out with Hanamaki.

"Yo" A familiar voice creeps up behind you,turning around. It was Matsukawa. You greeted him back.


Your response made him snicker.

"You're funny, I like you" He then left you,continued his way to his classroom

You were flustered but shrugged it off

'He probably was messing around'

As you got to your classroom,it felt like time was running fast. A second you were at your classroom now you're at the cafeteria, with the friends that you made a few days ago.

Now you found yourself infront of the music room.

'Time runs so fast these days'

You thought to yourself and let out a sigh.

Reaching for the sliding door,you stop midway.

You heard it again,that angelic voice.

Continuing,you fully slid the door open and there he was.

The sunset hitting his face,just like the first time you saw him. His voice rang through the entire room,his eyes close as he was strumming the guitar.

You were mesmerized,you almost had you mouth agape but he stopped before you could.

"Oh,y/n.. I didn't knew you would come here" A faint but noticeable red flush can be seen across his cheeks

He was flustered

"S-sorry I didn't came the other day. And sorry if you felt like I ditched you" You apologized

"Its fine,Im sure you had your reasons for not going"

"Thank you for understading" You sat at the vacant seat across him.

As you were getting your guitar out of its case he asks you a question

"How long have you been playing?"

"Not too long,I started playing on my second year of high school" You strum your guitar making sure it was tuned right

He hums

"Where did you go on your second year? You're a transferee right?"

"Yeah,I came from Shiratorizawa" You answered

He looks at you confused

"Why did you transfer here at Aoba Johsai? Dont get me wrong our school's nice.. But if you compare it to
Shiratorizawa,that would obviously be the best choice" He puts down his guitar on a near stand so he could focus on talking to you

"Mom had a job near here so I had to move" You replied,still tuning your guitar

"But didn't they had dorms there?" He rested his chin on his hand,looking at you

"Mom didn't want me to have a dorm there. She was worried I might do something stupid if she doesnt keep an eye on me" You chuckle

Hanamaki hums again

"Having trouble tuning?"

"Yeah,I usually tune with my phone. But my phone's dead right now" You scratched your nape

He asks for your guitar and you gave it to him. He starts tuning it with no problem at all

"How about you?" Now you were the one who has their chin rested on their hand

"How about me?" He doesn't take his eyes off your guitar,he was focused

"Yeah,like. When did you started playing guitar?" You asked

"Well,I was 12 when I got interested in it. I saw my dad playing it one night to my mom" He smiles,but it was bitter

"Oh,thats sweet" You commented

"Yeah,sweet" He replied,adding pressure to the word 'sweet'

"Oh,here. Its done" He gives you back your guitar,
You thanked him.

Both of you decided to play and jam a bit,but it ended when the door slided open.

"Maki!" A brunette came barging in the room

"Oikawa,I told you not to come here" Hanamaki seemed pissed

"Oh..Huh? Who's this?" The guy named 'Oikawa' looked at you

"One of my fans?" He asked and immediately got a smack on the head from Hanamaki

"She's a friend of mine. Anyways,what are you doing here?"

"Practice is about to start,coach keeps telling me to get you" Oikawa sits on the table

Hanamaki sighs

"Seriously,Im quiting that club after prelims" He got up and started packing

"Y/n,you could stay here if you want but I doubt that.. We have volleyball practice so I cant be here right now" He excused

"O-oh thats fine,we can still hang out here tommorow" You smiled and also started packing up

Hanamaki felt something on his stomach when you smiled.

What was it? He could't figure it out. But one thing's for sure,he would never forget that feeling

"Have a safe trip home!" Both him and Oikawa waved to you and you did too

Maybe hanging out with him wasn't so bad after all


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