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You were sitting in class,sipping your juice while your phone on your other hand. It was lunch time but you decided to not go out since the canteen was packed.

Soon almost finishing your drink. You heard your name being called,so you looked at the direction to where it was coming from.

Hanamaki was standing at the door of your classroom,holding two bento boxes. Both had the same color and design.

Suprised,you almost choked on your juice,some of your classmates even started squealing and teasing you.

"Shut up,were in highschool already. Stop being so childish" You stood up,fixed your uniform and went to Hanamaki who was at the door.

"Yo, I made too much food when I was making lunch for myself. S-so you could have the rest" He hands you a bento box

"Oh,thank you. You could've just saved it and eat it for dinner.. But thanks" You started walking

Hanamaki realizes he should've just done what you said but its too late now.

"O-oi where are you going?" He looks at your back as you walk

"To the rooftop? If you dont want to eat there then its fine" You answered

"Were eating together?" He asks again

"Of course! You made me food,the least I can do is join you eat. Come onnn,lunch is gonna be over soon" You took his hand and started heading to the rooftop

There was it again,Hanamaki felt something moving in his stomach.

'Her hands are so soft' He thought to himself. It'd be
embarrassing if he blurted that out

Soon you both reached the rooftop,suprisingly not much students were there than you expected.

Both of you sat down on a bench near and started eating, putting your hands together and thanking for the food. He did the same.

"Thank you for the meal!" You both said in unison and started eating

"So delishh" You said,mouth still filled with food

"You shouldn't talk if your mouth's full" He sighs at your actions and eats his food

Both bento boxes were empty,but yours still had green bell peppers in it.

Hanamaki looks over to you

"You dont like bell peppers?"

"Nope" you crossed your arms into and X

"Tsk,so picky.. If I were your mom I would've scolded you" He jokes

"I dont like the taste alright?" You laugh

To Hanamaki seeing you laugh brought him joy,sure both of you just met a few weeks ago but he felt something different when you were near him.

At this point Hanamaki was just staring at you. Enjoying the scene of you laugh

You notice him,you raised a brow

"Is something on my face?" You started touching your face,hoping to not find a grain of rice or dirt.

Hanamaki snickers at you

"No,no. I just thought of something" He averts his gaze from you.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out later? At the music room? I dont have practice so we can stay there as long as we want" His tone was soft

You nod in agreement

"Alright,lets see each other there after school" He stands up and began cleaning up,you did the same.

Both of you said goodbye and went back to each other's designated classrooms

Class was about music so you at least payed attention

Soon it was finished,and you had your next classes. Time ran fast. All you did was sit,listen a bit then write notes. Boring,but you tried your best not to fall asleep.

Since it's your third year,you better pass and graduate.

"Yo Y/n not going with us?" One of your friend wraps her arms around you,they were going to hang out after class and were inviting you to come

You kindly refused

"Sorry,I was already going to meet someone"

"Oh? Is it your boyfriend?" She teased

"Ohhhhh~" Your friend all said in unison

You laugh "Just a friend,anyways see you guys tomorrow" You picked up your guitar case and your bag and started making your way to the music room.

Sliding the door open,there he was. Strumming his guitar, he wasn't singing like always. He stops,looks at the door.

His eyes met yours. He smiles,bigger than you ever saw him smile. He opens his



the only exception || hanamaki × reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now