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"Y-you what? You want to run the music club?" Hanamaki almost chokes on his drink.

You and him decided to hang out in a near convenient store a bit instead of in the music room.

"Well you'll run it, since you have more experience" You took a bite from the bread you bought

"Y/n, we dont have enough members"

"Then we'll recruit students"
Hanamaki sighs

"By this time im sure majority of the
students already have their clubs, plus Im already in a club. Im in volleyball remember?"

You frown  "Oh yeah,I forgot about that"
You slouched back a bit.

"Sorry, I cant do anything about it" He apologizes

"Nah its fine" You said as you took another bite of your bread

He stares at you

"Are you sure? You look kinda down" He takes a sip from his drink again, not letting his gaze off you

You only nod

"Come on, I know a place that'll cheer you up" Hanamaki stands up and takes your hand

"Where are we going?" You asked

"Somewhere" You could feel his grip tighten

You felt really uncomfortable with him gripping on your hand like that, it hurts. So you took his arm with your other hand.


He turns to face you


"It hurts" You point to your hands, thankfully his grip loosens a bit. So you took that opportunity to fix the way he held you hand. Both you and Hanamaki's hands were now intertwined.

You could see a faint red flush across his face.

"You could've just asked me to hold hands" He laughs
"Pfft, just take me there already" You command him

"Alright alright ,so bossy"

His grip wasn't that tight anymore, you enjoyed this.

Enjoyed his warm and soft hands, enjoyed his presence.

"We're here"

Hanamaki took you to see the sunset. Golden it shined. It was beautiful

He lets go of your hand and decides to sit down on the grass

"I come here whenever Im upset or stressed" He looks up to you who was still standing up

"You know, you could still see it while sitting right?" He chuckles, his palms pressed against the grass

After admiring the sunset a bit,you decided to join him.

"I don't really take the time to appreciate the sunset" You took a deep breath, the smell of grass and hint of tulips fill your nose

"Thank you Hanamaki" You said,still admiring the sunset

Hanamaki glances at you. He has never saw something so beautiful his entire life.

'What is this feeling?'
He asks himself

The sunset was completely gone. The moon started
rising, signaling the both of you to go home.

You felt Hanamaki stood up so you secondly motioned.

"I'll walk you home,since your house is pretty far away from this place" Without waiting for your response he takes your bag before you could.

You squint your eyes while looking at him.

He notices and giggles "What? Is something on my face?"

"Your being too nice today.. Did you eat something? Are you posioned?" You were being sus of him

"I mean,if you dont want me to be nice to you then thats alright" He gives you back your bag

"Noooo I was just joking"

He ignores you

No response

Still no


He stops walking then turns to you,face all red

"Fine, I'll carry your bag. Lets go already" Swiftly he takes your bag then walks ahead of you. Luckily you caught up.

You reached for his hand.
He sighs

"If you wanted to hold hand you could've just said so" His grip wasn't thight,it was comforting. His long fingers intertwined with yours, you could feel his warmth.

You didn't want to let go. No one wanted to let go.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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