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Y/n and Hanamaki only just started being friends a few months ago,everyday their bond gets stronger. The more they talk the more they realize they have so much in common.

On weekends.
They would hang out in Hanamaki's house or go out to eat. Mostly they just hang out.

"Y/n.." Hanamaki who was sitting on his bedroom floor spoke.

"What" You reply,your feet dangling from his bed.

"Get off my bedddd" He whined

"Just lay next to me" You were still reading

"But the bed's too small for both of us to fit" He whined for the second time

"Its not my fault your bed's t- H-hey!"

Before you could finish your sentence he grabs both of your ankles and starts pulling you down from his bed.

The position was now awkward,your legs were wrapped around his waist. Your shirt was lifted up a little, revealing a bit of your skin. Your back was against the side of the bed,he was basically kinda on top of you.

You playfully hit his arms,hoping he would get off.

He did.

"Sorry,that was too much... Im sorry if you got uncomfortable"

He still chose to sit on the ground than the bed.

You fixed your posture and also sat up. Back still against the bed

"It's fine,we were just joking around. Plus,I trust you. I know you wouldn't do anything to me" You told him

He hums

"Wow,we've been only friends for a couple of months but you trust me so much already?"

"Aren't friends suppose to trust each other? Do you trust me?" You made sure to emphasis the 'you'

He smiles,curls up. His knees close to his chest,he rests his head on his arms almost like if he was crying and trying to hide it.

"So? Do you?" You ask him again. He raised his head,resting his left cheek on his arms. Looking at you

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks

"Of course you can,but shouldn't you answer my question first?"

He ignores you and starts talking.

"I never believed in love you know" His tone was soft,you could tell he was a bit sad

"My mom and dad,they always faught. Loud shouting were the only things that filled the house when I was a kid.. Other kids
in my school,they would boast about their parents being all lovey dovey.." He continued

You said nothing,you only listened

"So one day I went up to their room to ask them why" You could see tears forming in his eyes.

"But.. What I saw,it was horrifying. My mom sat on the ground and my dad.. He was about to hurt her" His voice cracks,he couldn't help it and started crying.

You crawled next to him.

"Tell me more,I'll listen" You gave him a reassuring smile

He wiped his tears and continued his story.

Listening to him,you never knew this side of Hanamaki existed. He cried and cried,you were there by his
side,supporting him.

"That day,I swore to never believe in love again" He finished

"You do know someday you're going to meet someone who can change your perspective in love right? You cant just stay single forever. Who'll take care of you? What if you got

He looks at you,then laughs

You look at him confused. Did you said something weird?

Still laughing,he manages to speak up

"Y/n,are you worried?" He teased

"Of course I am! I cant take care of you forever!" You
pout,a bit mad at him

"More like Im the one taking care of you" He turns to you and boops your nose

"For your information,Im not a child to be taken care of" You glare at him

"PFFT,yeah right. Come here"

"H-hey! No,wait. We're going to fall!"

He hugs you and both of you fall on the floor. Him on top you. His hand behind your head,protecting you from the impact.

Both of you shared a comfortable silence. Until you decided to speak up

"Hanamaki,your heavy" You whined and tried to push him off you but you couldn't

"Let's just stay like this for a while.. And y/n, I'm sorry you saw this side of me.. Im sorry for breaking apart in front of you" He whispers into
your ear. You could feel his hot breath touch your cheek

"It's fine.. I'm your friend so I'm here to listen, not to judge you" Accepting defeat,you put your right
arm on his back.

Not even a few minutes,both of you fell asleep. Both of you were laying on the cold floor. No futton,no pillows,nothing.

All you had were the both of you.


the only exception || hanamaki × reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now