New Team

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My night has been restless. Jolt and the others give me space. We left the cliffs last night. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay with Lindy's body. And when the others were gone, I would've jumped and joined her. Something pushed me forward, onward towards the other side to the forest. 

Sunset is clearly suffering too, though not as much as me. She says it's because of the personality chip. Her creator was talented, and gave her emotions, though not at the level of a human's. 

I hear rustling in the trees. I hope it's another trap, designed to kill me. I wouldn't fight back, but welcome death with open arms. Instead, a small, bedraggled child stumbles forward. She looks about twelve, with blond hair, and freckles. A crossbow drops from her hand, and she clutches her stomach. Blood is leaking from a wound, and she sways before collapsing against a tree. "Send help. Team...that way. Ambushed."

She looks like she wants to say more, but the pain is clearly eliminating clear thought. The others rush in the direction she points while I scramble to her side. 

The wound's pretty deep. If I had to guess, I'd say something bit her. I wish Lindy were here. She would know how to fix her. 


No, I can't let her invade my thoughts. If I dwell on the past, this child will die. I don't need more blood on my hands. 

The edges of the wound are jagged, and caked with dirt. That's not good, the wound will probably get infected, but I don't have anything to help her. I rip off the edge of my suit. The material tears easily, and sticks to the wound. 

I try furiously to summon medical supplies. Anesthetic, thread, needles, anything. 


I shouldn't be surprised, they haven't worked 

Another scream, but this time it's not Lindy's. I can't pinpoint the source until I look ahead of me.  The girl is thrashing around, dreaming. 

I grip her arms, and pin her to the ground. Apparently it translates into her dream, and she cranes her neck to bite me on the arm. Shocked, I rip my arm from her grasp. Now my arm's bleeding, though just barely. That can wait. 

I sit on her legs, and place my arms just above her throat. She quits down and submits. Hopefully, her dream has ended, and she's in a happier land now. I get up, and start gathering some moss for padding and a bed sort of thing.

Dylan comes back, 10 people standing awkwardly behind him. They're all sorts of ages, and if I had to guess, I'd say about 4-17. He gives me a grim smile. Dylan's spattered with blood, a fine sliver dust, and what looks like, machine oil? He looks exhausted, and I want to inquire what happened, but now's clearly not the time. 

One of the older boys races over to the girl. "Sage!" he gasps. He pulls off the thin fabric, now soaked with blood. He groans at the sight of the wound. "Who dressed this wound, 'cause they're clearly incompetent! She could die!"

I sheepishly raise my hand. "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything other than that. My abilities haven't worked since, well, since something," I finish lamely. 

His scathing eyes rake over me. I don't even want to know what I look like. Probably like  a terrifying, half-starved demon. 

He turns his attention to me, and towards Sage. He places his hand over her stomach and closes his eyes, muttering a few words. I watch in amazement as the wound seals itself up, and Sage's eyes flutter open.

She grips his hand and smiles weakly. She whispers something to him, probably thanking him. He gets up and stalks over to us. "I should thank you I guess. Sage said you rushed to save her the moment she entered the clearing. Knowing her, she would've kept walking till she died. We're pretty new here. We got here about..." 

He pauses, clearly trying to remember how long he's been here. I can't remember either. That's odd, I swore Lindy and I arrived only two days ago, but we couldn't have. It had to have been at Never mind. I'm punished by a demon of a headache for trying to remember. It's probably best that I don't. Too many painful memories. 

"Anyways, it doesn't matter. You've obviously met Sage," She waves, from her sitting position against a new tree, the old one covered in fresh blood.

"I'm North, and this is Carmen, Kris, Cal, Denver, Rachel, Austin, Maddy and Zara."

The oldest nod with half-hearted smiles, while the little ones- Denver, Rachel, Austin and Maddy- hide behind their legs. 

I get down on my knees. "Hey guys, it's gonna be okay. You're safe now. We'll protect you okay? We're going to be a team. Are you hungry, tired?"

I really don't know my way around children, nor do I like them, but what I said, seems to lift their spirits. Maddy, steps out from behind Carmen. 

"I want my mommy," she whispers. Her eyes glimmer in the dull firelight. I take her hand. 

"She's not here right now, but we'll find her soon. I promise." It's true, I really do. It's not half-hearted, like most things I say to kids, in hopes that they'll leave me alone. I will find her mom if that's the last thing I do. No more broken promises. 

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