7 || Maybe.

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It was like the time is slowed down, walking with kenma in the streets heading home felt like forever.

It was rare to see that he is walking home not looking at his phone or playing games, he just carried your groceries and looked at the road.

You could sense he was being vigilant of the surroundings, after that incident of a creepy man following you.

In a dark alley, a softdrink can suddenly made a loud sound. Both of you were startled, turning around to see where the sound came from.

Memories ran to your head, making your breathing heavier and heavier. Kenma held your wrist and pulled you closer to him, trying to protect you.

"If your planning to harass y/n again, just give up." He said in a calm voice despite the intense situation you're in.

A figure was coming out of the shadows.

"Kenma..." You said as you tried to escape his grip.

"It's dangerous!" He didn't want to let go.


"It's just a cat." You said as you pointed at the small kitten who were scared of the both of you.

Kenma made a small 'oh' as he slowly let your arm go.

The atmostphere became more awkward every second that passed by as you just both stood still in your places.

"U-uh.. let's go." Kenma broke the awkward silnce and continued the walk home, leaving you behind.

The whole situation wasn't just awkward for you. To be honest, it sent butterflies to your stomach. This was not new to you. It was the same feeling when you accidentally got too close to his face.

Are you perhaps... falling inlove with Kenma Kozume?

Now you both arrived to your place, you thanked him for carrying your groceries and for treating you a meal.

You thought he was going to leave soon, but he sat comfortably on your couch and set up his games on your television.

"Isn't it dark out already? you should head home." You asked him.

"But you said we would play games after going to the mall."

"Yeah but aren't you gonna get locked out of your house?" You asked him and this question made him think for awhile. He still held a blank expression then dialed someone on his phone.

"Oi, Answer my question!"

"I'm calling Kuroo so we can have a sleepover and he can bring me some clothes." He simply replied.

"You didn't even ask me if you could have a sleepover?" You retorted.


"I didn't say you couldn't... I just- everything is cliche for me." You admitted, failing to look at him. You wanted to knew what face did he make, but you just couldn't look at him.

The next thing you knew, he was right infront of you and placed his hand on your shoulder, making you flinch at his touch.

"Can you feel me?" He asked.

You nodded, confused of what he meant.

"Then I'm real."

You were completely confused, yet something feels off. You never said that he weren't real. You never even thought about it.

But you remember, that day when you lied down your bed with your new game in hand, and wore your nerve gear.

"Kenma... Am I real?" You asked him.

At first, he was shocked but then regained his composure.


「Game Over」 // Kenma Kozume //Where stories live. Discover now