10 || Wishes.

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𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝘿𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩

"Do you want to do anything?" Kenma asked you.

He literally meant anything. So you decided on attending a ball with him. It was what you've always wishes in the real world.

Attending a ball with a loved one, wishing these fictional men were real.

"Then let's attend the Nekoma annual ball." Kenma suggested.

He never attended a ball. According to Kuroo, Kenma hates parties. Not that he doesn't like people, but he'd rather spend time alone playing games.

There was silence after, It looked like Kuroo and Kenma were trying to tell you something.

"So when do you plan to return to your world?" Kuroo broke the silence. It was very straightforward.

"Kuroo!" Kenma called out.

"I- I..." You tried to give out an answer, but couldn't. Tears streamed down your face. You knew this day would come.

"I'm not trying to make you leave... but you really have to soon. Look at yourself, you're pale and weaker." Kuroo explained.

The girl he fell inlove with experienced the same thing. Her body in the real world was getting weak making her become weak in this world too.

"We're still going to the ball right?" You asked Kenma.

"As long as you can still go." He answered.

There was a sharp pain on your head which caused you to groan in pain. The two men infront of you were worried.

"I'm okay... I think I just need sleep." You shrugged off the pain you felt and proceeded to sleep, leaving Kenma worried.


"Wake up." You heard someone whisper to you while tugging your blanket.

It was Kenma.

He held a bag and showed it to you. Inside was a red gown and heels.

"You should've told me it was today!" You were shocked.

Kenma apologized and left you alone to fix yourself and try on the gown he bought you. You were excited. You forgot about the diziness and pain you experienced.

As you finished, you went to the living room and saw Kenma waiting for you, in his suit.

"Let's go!" You said cheerfully.

"May I have this dance?" Kenma asked you, making you turn to him and see him holding out his hand.

You were confused, so Kenma told you that you can't attend the ball with your current state.

You were disappointed with the news, but as you observed the surroundings, the tables were decorated and also the walls, there were candles lit up around.

Kenma played a slow music for dancing.

You accepted his hand and danced with him.

"I didn't expect you to know how to dance." You teased.

"Stop it." He answered, embarrassed.

You leaned your head on his, taking deep breaths.

"Kenma... I don't feel so good." You admitted.

Now that Kenma fulfilled what you've wished for, he now has to let you go.

"Do you want to know what I've wished for?" He asked.

"I wished that you will never forget about me."

You loved how close the both of you are in the moment, you love how the both of you cherish every second together. But you hate it. This felt like farewell.

"Promise me in our next life, when we are finally living in the same world, we will look for each other. If not, then in our next next life, and so on." Who knew Kenma would say these words?

"Promise." You gave him a small smile.

"Please return to your world. I don't want you to suffer." Kenma was tearing up.

You stopped moving hearing his words. The time has come. This was bound to happen.

"No, I'm happier here." You replied, trying to hold back tears.

"Don't forget about me okay?" Kenma ignored what you just said.

"N-no! I can't leave you." You were crying.

Kenma hugged you, not wanting to let go. He was hurt, and trying not to let out a loud cry. He knew he must do this. For you.

"I've been wanting to tell you this all these time, now I can finally say it..."

"No..." You said between sobs.

"I Love You."


You woke up, seeing a white ceiling. The bright light hurts your eye.

You felt something attached to your temples, and to your hand. You then realized something.

You are in a hospital bed, in the real world.

You removed the nervegear from you, observing the surroundings. Everything felt like a dream.

Was it all real? If it was just a game, why did I love you felt so real?

You found yourself crying out loud, making yourself heard from the outside.

Someone rushed to your room, shocked and happy to see you awake. You were tackled with a hug.

"It's been months, welcome back."

You looked over to the table beside you and a laptop was there, where the nervegear was connected.

It wrote:

Game Over.

Thank you for playing Haikyuu Otome: Kenma Kozume!

「Game Over」 // Kenma Kozume //Where stories live. Discover now