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[ Harry's POV ] 


"I'm bloody coming." I shout from the driveway as Louis continuously honks the horn. I'm running late this morning, I usually am.

"WE ARE LOSING DAYLIGHT." He shouts from inside the car. Tapping his fake watch.

"Losing daylight for what exactly?" I say as I open the door and get in the car. His mouth just drops open and his eyes dart between me and the door. "Well? I thought we were 'losing daylight.'"

"You- what- Did you just open the car door?" He asks aghast.

"Yes." I say with a proud smile on my face.

"From the outside?"


"Oh Harry I'm so proud of you!." He says excitedly. He reaches over and pats my knee. The most amount of affection he can show me. But I plan on changing that


Then he pulls his hand away and starts wildly digging through the compartments in the car. "AHA!" He says satisfied. Holding up a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer. "Do you wanna use it?" He holds out the bottle to me and squirts some in my hands.

"How long have you had that in here?"

"I put it in there the day we met."


"Do you wanna come over after school?" I ask during lunch.

"Oh- I would. But I have football tryouts today." He says with a sympathetic smile and shrug.

"Oh yeah, stupid me. Well I think- no I KNOW you are gonna make the team."

"Thanks Curly."

"Stop calling me that. You know i hate my hair." I whine.

"You do, but I love it so... No. I don't think I will." He says with a smirk. While I just sit there and fake pout, only making his smirk grow bigger.

We settle into comfortable silence after a while. Until I feel the side of his foot tap mine. I look and he is already looking at me. And a blush is slowly creeping onto his cheeks.

"Are you trying to play footsie with me?" I ask with an eyebrow raise. He answers by tapping the top of my foot with his. I respond by stretching my legs out father. He takes his foot and gently caresses the back of my leg. It sends a shiver down my spine and makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He finishes it off by intertwining our legs. We spend the rest of lunch sitting like that.


"Call me as soon as you get the news." I tell Louis as I'm getting out of the car after school.

"You'll be the first person to know." He says with a smile and wave.


"I GOT ON A TEAM!!' Louis shouts through the phone, making me hold the speaker away from me.



"I have no idea what that means but I'm happy!" I admit to him.

"I gotta go Harry, the new team is going to Peter's house for celebration drinks." He says quickly and then the line goes dead. I mentally decide I'm gonna take Louis somewhere to celebrate him getting on the team.


L: Hiiiii cutie ;)

H: Hi Louis are you having fun?

L: Oh yeahh lots of fun sexy don't worry. But i wish you were here :( so we could dance.

H: Are you drunk Louis

L: Noo i'm not drunk

H: Mhmm

L: Ok maybe I do have a little buzz

H: Goodbye Louis have fun

L: Wait harry are you mad at me :(

H: No I  just don't want you to say something you don't mean

L: I never say things I don't mean  



Can we all tell I've never played footsie :) You can thank Wikihow for that. And they were wearing shoes. Apparently people take their shoes off during footsie?? Um that's kinda gross. Also ehehe I'm excited for the next chapters.

The drunk text is a surprise tool that can help us later.

Love you

-T xxxx

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