978 21 141

This chapter is dedicated to Stilinski_O_Brien for always leaving comments and being the one to encourage me to start this book in the first place. It would literally not exist without her


4556 words, 13 pages. Buckle up it's gonna be a wild ride. 


"One word. Frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." - Sophocles 



I recommended playing

"All to Myself" By Dan and Shay.

When you see the ^^^


* 2 day time jump *

[ Harry's POV ]


"Ok, Harry." Louis breaths during lunch. Making me look up and rest my face in my hands. "Considering how untruthful and untrustworthy I have been in the past. I'm gonna just lay everything on the table. I'm having a Friendsgiving this Sunday. It's gonna be me, Liam and his girlfriend, Niall and his girlfriend, and you- if you decide to come. And I know we just made up a few days ago but I didn't want you to feel left out. And If you don't wanna come it won't hurt my feelings. But just know if you come I'll make sure everything is perfect." He lets out a huge sigh of relief. I don't think he took a single breath spewing that all out. His hands are resting palm down on the table and I can feel his legs bouncing. 

He is nervous.

I tilt my head and dart my eyes over his face. Trying to take in all the clear factors. He is chewing the inside of his lip and his eyes are darting everywhere.

He is nervous about what I'm gonna say. 

What am I gonna say?

"Uh- can I think about it?" I ask lamely. Watching as the sadness sets in. His lip chewing drops and his eyes glance down at the table.

"Yeah, that's fine." He murmurs. The bell rings, saving my ass. As it tends to do. 

I wanna go, I would love to go. Louis will be so upset if I don't go. So I'm gonna go, even if I die in the process.



It's the night before Louis's party. I still haven't told him that I was coming. Which is borderline evil, but I just wanna surprise him.

I should bring something. I'm in bed wondering what I could make in a day with my mediocre baking skills. Cookies in the first thing that comes to mind. So I fly downstairs and ruthlessly look through the pantry. Until I find a cookie mix from god knows when and read the instructions. 


By the time I'm done I have a plate full of cookies that I have frosted to look like turkeys. 

Turkey's on crack that is. 

It's midnight and I am exhausted. So I decided to go to bed and try to stress the least amount possible about tomorrow. 



I walk up to Louis's front door, I'm wearing black jeans and a gray T-shirt. I'm holding my plate of cookies and my knees are shaking violently. Like a scared little kid on their first day of school. I open the door and walk-in. Niall and a girl with long, dark hair are talking in the hallway.

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