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[ Harry's POV ]

“You WHAT?” Louis hisses across the table.

“LIAM WAS THERE TOO.” Niall shoves his finger at Liam. 

“Because you forced me to!”

“You were the one who made the bet!” 


“Woah, Woah, Woah, back it up. Why did you all break into my house? And what bet?” 

“Well you see, it’s a funny story-”

“I’m not laughing.”

“Well, you haven’t heard the story yet idiot. We uh- well we took. We came in because-”

“Niall needed to get his guitar for his cousin’s wedding and you didn’t answer the door.” Liam saves him. Louis nods and goes to sit down, but looks back up and says. 

“And what about the bet?” Louis pushes. 

“Oh, it was nothing.” Liam says with a wave of his hand.

“Liam, what was the bet.” Louis says sternly. 

(A/N: You can geuss what the bet was if you want)

“Well you see- we saw you and Harry had an uh- moment. So we made a little harmless bet which I clearly lost and we don’t need to discuss.” Niall answers for him.

“Clearly lost? How clear?” Liam asks smugly, completely ignoring the fuming Louis. 

“They were playing scrabble when I got here Liam. Scrabble.” He emphasizes. 

“WHAT WAS THE BET.” Louis shouts, making me flinch and knock over the pieces on the board. 

“Webetonweitherornotyouguysgotiton.” Niall mumbles, almost inaudibly.

“What?” Niall sighs and looks up. 

“We bet on whether or not you guys got it on.” Niall says, clearly uncomfortable. Making Liam groan into his hands. Louis just stands there, not saying anything. Not even blinking. 

Until he bursts into laughter. 

Niall and Liam follow with unsure laughter. And I just sit silently. 

“You think.” He pauses for a laugh. “Me and Harry would ever get it on? Never in a million years.” I can feel the lump in my throat grow two sizes bigger. And I just sit and fake laugh along with them. 

The voices are gonna use this as fuel for the fire. The fire that only Louis can put out. But somehow, he is always the one to spark it up again. 

I click the alarm on my phone so it will sound like someone is calling me. I get up and fake answer it, having a whole fake conversation. All while holding back tears. 

“That was my mom, she said I have to go home.” I lie right through my teeth. I quickly put on my shoes. 

“I can take you home.” Louis says, jumping up and walking around the table. 

“I’ll take the bus.” I say coldly. Already walking out the door.

“Bye Harr-” But the door has already closed behind. 

 I don’t know what hurts more, what Louis said. Or the fact that he doesn’t know me well enough to realize that I can’t take the bus. I walk along the sidewalk, not even sure where I'm going. Louis lives way too far away for me to walk home. But my mom is working. So I’m pretty much stuck. I stop at the end of a street and sit down on the curb. 


[ Louis's POV ]

“Bye Harr-” But he is already walking away and the door os being slammed. The entire room is quiet behind me. 

“Fuck dude you really messed up.” Niall tells me.

“What are you talking about?” I say while picking up the game. 

“Harry isn’t gonna take the bus, you realize that don’t you?” Liam says like he’s stating the obvious. My entire body freezes up and I drop the pieces in my head. I run to get my keys from upstairs. A string of curse words coming along. Harry is a fast walker, and he lives 15 minutes away by car. He's probably a block away by now. And he won't be able to walk all the way home. How could I be so stupid? Of course, Harry isn't taking the bus. And how he's probably lost in the cold and the rain. 

Why am I so ignorant? 


I am just really not giving Harry a break, am I?


Also I have the next chapter ready should I give it to you tonight or tommrrow?

Love you

- T xxxx

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